Star Trek - Into Darkness


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Dunno why you keep complaining about this good movie, its prolly the best scifi flick this year and was action packed picking up where its 1st movie left and gave quite a few nods to wrath of khan.
Also watched it in 3d and i guess the glasses "swallowed" most of the lens flares wich really, really bothered me in its predecessor.


<Bronze Donator>
Because it's not scifi and it's not good. Did you not read any of the posts?

This is really sad if this is the best "scifi" movie this year.


Potato del Grande
If it has future/alien tech it's sci-fi. You need to invent some sub genres.


<Prior Amod>
Seems a bit loose with the definition. Battleship is scifi then.

How is it loose with it's definition? It's fucking Science Fiction. It takes place in the future, with aliens and futhre tech on gosh damned space ships that visit other worlds populated by other aliens.


Science fiction is a genre of fiction with imaginative but more or less plausible content such as settings in the future, futuristic science and technology, space travel, parallel universes, aliens, and paranormal abilities.


Potato del Grande
If you had a list of things which define sci-fi, flying a spaceship to chase after a guy who teleported to another planet and then speaking in klingon to klingons then fighting them with blasters instead of shooting cryogenically frozen people in experimental photon torpedoes is probally top of the list!?

Am I missing something here? Does it have to have Patrick Stewart doing a Shakespearean speech to be sci-fi?

Beef Supreme_sl

Dunno why you keep complaining about this good movie, its prolly the best scifi flick this year and was action packed picking up where its 1st movie left and gave quite a few nods to wrath of khan.
Also watched it in 3d and i guess the glasses "swallowed" most of the lens flares wich really, really bothered me in its predecessor.
"Best" until Elysium comes out.


<Bronze Donator>
I thought we had discussed this pages back. Scifi is where the futuristic technology or setting is one of the main plot focuses(i.e. Gattaca), while a movie that happens to have futuristic tech is science fantasy. Could you make ST:ID without the futuristic tech and not sacrifice any of the flimsy plot? I think so.

However, at this point, it feels like arguing the real definition of bbq, so I'll drop it.


I like how all the 'edgy' neckbeards are coming out now to say it was shit. General consensus of the thread was it was a decent popcorn flick in the ST universe with some issues that only nerds (like myself) would care about.
If someone personally doesn't like it then cool, power to them but I really dislike the 'I thought it was shit so you must think it was shit or else I rage' forum warriors. Say your piece once then stfu.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Dunno why you keep complaining about this good movie, its prolly the best scifi flick this year and was action packed picking up where its 1st movie left and gave quite a few nods to wrath of khan.
Also watched it in 3d and i guess the glasses "swallowed" most of the lens flares wich really, really bothered me in its predecessor.
The lense flare didn't kick in until the very end, as they go on their 5 year voyage.


<Bronze Donator>
I like how all the 'edgy' neckbeards are coming out now to say it was shit. General consensus of the thread was it was a decent popcorn flick in the ST universe with some issues that only nerds (like myself) would care about.
If someone personally doesn't like it then cool, power to them but I really dislike the 'I thought it was shit so you must think it was shit or else I rage' forum warriors. Say your piece once then stfu.
So you'd like to completely throw away there are objective and subjective ways to argue the quality of a movie?


Millie's Staff Member
its science fiction, maybe they dont provide a mathematical proof on each and every piece of tech in the film, but when a movie has space ships, aliens and earth being attacked then its a motherfucking science fiction flick and you need to shut your pie hole.