Star Wars Novels (Keep your EU shit out of here!)

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
I may be one of the only people that enjoyed (about half of) the EU novels and didn't like the fact that Disney didn't keep any of the characters in the official canon. I lost a ton of faith in the SW franchise because of the prequels and only found my way back through the Thrawn triology and New Jedi Order series. They weren't all great but they had some decent characters that I always wanted to see on the big screen. The twins, Jag Fel, Corral Horn, Paelleon, the guy with the red Star Destroyer.

That being said, I was both excited and apprehensive about the first new post-RoTJ piece of canon, Star Wars: Aftermath. Excited to see if any of the good bits of the EU would worm their way in as a nod to the book fans or maybe even a reboot of a good EU character or two. I was afraid that they may flip the finger to the book readers and approve a half baked piece of shit with no real voice that just seems to be a 300 page promotion for Episode VII.

Sadly, I came away thinking the latter. There were a few good new characters but there was almost no time spent developing them in any meaningful ways. Instead the author spends a ton of time describing chase scenes (the fuck?) and making sure you know that the New Republic (only EU nod) is good and filled with good people and that the Empire is full of bad people. Every 3 chapters or so there is an interlude to some other location that I assume is setting up the new movies but they end up feeling disjointed and nonsensical. There are even a few that seem to take the new universe 180 degrees away from their EU counterparts that it is almost like Disney is determined to show book readers their disdain for the EU.

I will not read anymore SW books from this author because I think he is worse than Karen Traviss and I might not read the next novel anyways. I can always hope that Thrawn and some others are reintroduced; however, after reading this mediocre story I find that hope to be all but gone.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You say keep EU shit out of this thread then spend half your post talking about EU shit. The solo kids and every story involving them sucked.

Have you read Dark Disciple? I had pretty high hopes. Son of Dathomir is supposed to be pretty good too.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
I guess the title sounded more ironic in my head. Are those novels set around the prequel years? I never read anything from around the prequels because I despised the movies and had no desire to read about characters I hate. I will have to try out the Dathomir one and see if they kept any of the rancor riders or witches.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Dark Disciple and Son of Dathomir are both set between Ep 2 and Ep 3 using unused stories from the Clone Wars cartoon.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I haven't read any yet but I heard there was a possible hint to one of the best eu characters at the end of aftermath...



Trakanon Raider
The book was terrible. The writing was simply awful. I hate the fact that it's considered canon so they're trying to cash in on that.


The Scientific Shitlord
I liked a lot of the earlier EU stuff. The trilogy that brought Star Wars back into the limelight and introduced Thrawn was especially awesome. After the Rogue Squadron books things started getting fucky, and the awful series that culminated in Jaina killing Jacen was the last thing I read.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
The book was terrible. The writing was simply awful. I hate the fact that it's considered canon so they're trying to cash in on that.
My thoughts exactly. At least when they needed to build book hype last time they went with a super well known author to do it. Say what you want about NJO, but getting R. A. Salvatore to write the first novel gave it a ton of looks that it wouldn't have gotten normally. What has Chuck Wendig written? Actually, I just looked him up on Amazon and found out wrote novels for Earthbond and the World Of Darkness setting. Thank God I didn't look him up before reading this or I would've been hyped because he wrote for those two settings.

I haven't read any yet but I heard there was a possible hint to one of the best eu characters at the end of aftermath...

I thought the same thing Kovaks, but apparently it is the Andy Serkis character from Episode VII. I may be wrong, but if it really were that character then

why not hint about his red eyes when they described his gaze at the very end? Even a throwaway line about blue skin would have sufficed.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
The book was terrible. The writing was simply awful. I hate the fact that it's considered canon so they're trying to cash in on that.
My thoughts exactly. At least when they needed to build book hype last time they went with a super well known author to do it. Say what you want about NJO, but getting R. A. Salvatore to write the first novel gave it a ton of looks that it wouldn't have gotten normally. What has Chuck Wendig written? Actually, I just looked him up on Amazon and found out wrote novels for Earthbond and the World Of Darkness setting. Thank God I didn't look him up before reading this or I would've been hyped because he wrote for those two settings.

I haven't read any yet but I heard there was a possible hint to one of the best eu characters at the end of aftermath...

I thought the same thing Kovaks, but apparently it is the Andy Serkis character from Episode VII. I may be wrong, but if it really were that character then

why not hint about his red eyes when they described his gaze at the very end? Even a throwaway line about blue skin would have sufficed.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well fuck that was about the only thing that made me even a bit interested I loved alot of the old books and comics especially the early stuff and even into the Jedi academy but I'll be skipping this.


Registered Hutt
I'm giving the movies a few years to play out before I even consider trying any new literature. I stopped reading the EU long ago, but I want to know where the line of canon is, and right now it seems like basically nothing outside the films. Thrawn was good stuff. Cartoons and comics are not appealing.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I actually enjoying Rebels. Never got into clone wars I'll probably watch it when the kids are older.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I actually enjoying Rebels. Never got into clone wars I'll probably watch it when the kids are older.
Clone Wars is aimed at an age group maybe a year or two older than Rebels. The only real difference is that it's very clear that people are dying in Clone Wars, whereas they pretty much gloss over it in Rebels.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Aren't all novels "EU" or is that term reserved for the pre-disney books?

I liked the rebels novel, reading the Heir to the Jedi now, and it's terrible. I am saddened to hear aftermath is bad too. Heir is written in first person, and so far it sounds like a walkthrough for a signature quest in an MMO. He goes on one mission with a borrowed ship, which opens up another mission. But for that mission the ship needs upgrades so he has to go collect 10 whatevers to earn the upgrades. At one point they even made fun of the 'go kill 10 x' quest.

I read an excerpt from Tarkin, and it sounds decent. But I don't like tarkin, so I haven't read it yet. I think the star wars universe is going to be split like Islam and Judaism. The adherents will share some common stories (the first 6 movies) but have fundamental differences beyond that. Oh and also we will want to wipe out the other side.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I will day one thing I'm glad is no longer cannon are the force unleashed games. The games were great but the story just didn't seem to fit. Making them cannon was just a cash grab to make sure everyone bought them.


<Prior Amod>
Do you guys read the comics? i don't read star wars, anything shit thing or even the comics, but for my comic store, they've told me star wars is easily the best seller. (followed by major events, batman... etc)


Mr. Poopybutthole
I have heard the new comics are pretty god havnt gottten to them yet. I have a dump somewhere of the old darkhorse comics and they had some of the best eu content imo.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I've tried comics 2 or 3 times, one of those was a star wars comic. I just can't stand the format.

Is anyone else reading or have read Heir to the Jedi? WTF is up with the math equations in the chapter headings? The first few times I thought it was some page formatting that was left in accidentally, but eventually I realized they were probably math formulas and might have something to do with the givin they are looking for. I thought maybe the formulas would solve out to the chapter number, but I guess I'm not good enough at math to even know if those are solvable formulas.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I'm reading tarkin right now. I'm not noticing anyplace where they're completely shitting all over the old EU, and that makes me happy. There are some discrepancies, but there are also some callbacks to EU events. For the most part, the novel can co-exist with the the EU stuff about Tarkin. At least as far as I can remember it. I never cared for Tarkin, so I don't remember a lot about the EU book on him.

One big difference is that it seems like the death star might be getting built in a different location, but I'm not sure because I can't remember the name of the planet it was built over, and it's always possible they will have to move it. If it doesn't get completed in this book that is.


<Prior Amod>
Just came from my store. I've never read anything EU (aside from i think some book about the solo twins and the 1 arm wookie in HS), and just know the double trilogy and KoToR 1/2. The Vader comic is pretty awesome i can see why it's top 5 monthly. You'd think a comic would be silly, since the previous comics were kind of trashy, not this, it's actually got big wigs on it.
Kieron Gillen is writing and
Salvador Larroca is art

It's the time period between iv and v. There's 10 issues now, a 6issue volume is out
Star Wars: Darth Vader Vol. 1: Kieron Gillen, Salvador Larocca: 9780785192558: Books

i haven't read the other star wars titles, the guys at the store said Vader was the best, and speaking strictly as a comic book, it's up there.