You guys are fucked, Felicity Jones is a babe. She is just manned up in that photo.Both are too manly.
The correct answer.Cant we have both? I mean since we are fantasizing after these ladies.
Good lord, feed Whitaker some Fried Chicken, what happened!So Forest Whitaker tweeted that his character's name in R1 is Saw Gerrera which was a character that appeared in a season of Clone Wars.
He took a piece of shrapnel to the dome, it gave him a wonky eye which led to depression which lead to over eating in every spacediner from Alderaan to Tattooine.Good lord, feed Whitaker some Fried Chicken, what happened!
I remember her from 'Like Crazy' - she's hot for sure.This chick is way hotter than Rey.
Should do a news reel opening instead of the crawl.The news today was not gigantic, the biggest being they are leaning toward not having an opening crawl for the standalone movies. Makes sense to me. I'd certainly like to see them break some of the rules with this movie especially.
Well it does give a small, very small, amount of creative freedom in how the movie will open. It lets them use different opening music as well which really dials in the immediate emotional tone of a movie that has a really talented composer fashioning it's score. And even though by the time they go to see it most people will know these movies aren't a part of the core films it would reinforce the sense that you're about to watch something set apart from the Skywalker Saga.How can they consider not having an opening crawl? That would be like bond without an opening action sequence followed by the title song over credits and graphics. Fucking video games have had crawls, its not some sacrosanct tradition to only be reserved for main story episodes.
Some cool pics here.
Considering none of the characters from Rogue One appear in A New Hope, it's fair to say none of them have plot armor. So I expect the troopers will finally be able to shoot people in this one.You can't make troopers look this cool and not able to shoot worth a damn. I just hope they realize this.
I'd be more accepting of not playing the theme over the crawl than getting rid of the crawl. I imagine most fans might rage even more about that though.Well it does give a small, very small, amount of creative freedom in how the movie will open. It lets them use different opening music as well which really dials in the immediate emotional tone of a movie that has a really talented composer fashioning it's score. And even though by the time they go to see it most people will know these movies aren't a part of the core films it would reinforce the sense that you're about to watch something set apart from the Skywalker Saga.
I'd be fine with them omitting it from the side films were it not for the fact that now that they no longer have the 20th Century Fox searchlight opening, just that dead silent Lucasfilm logo fade in, the beginning of the movies already feel quite different from what we've become so accustomed to over the years. Getting rid of the crawl and SW theme would be too much of a change at this point. Granted it's a small thing that you'd totally forget about 3 minutes into the movie but it's one of those things you're reminded of every time you watch it (the way it does with TFA now). It just highlights that Disney needs to come up with a unique opening for the franchise.