one female protagonistDid we really need another female protagonist?
Out of 36. That's it? the whole thing is sexist. why aren't they casting more women?Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - Full Cast & Crew - IMDb
Jyn Erso
Lyra Erso
Mon Mothma
Rebel Leader (played by a Scottish model)
Mother of Lost Child
it's a regular cougar party over in that galaxy.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - Full Cast & Crew - IMDb
Jyn Erso
Lyra Erso
Mon Mothma
Rebel Leader (played by a Scottish model)
Mother of Lost Child
it's a regular cougar party over in that galaxy.
they are all old.
A cougar party isn't going to be your playground there Meryn Trant.
The Death Star didn't come out of left field, it's always been a part of Star Wars and obviously took some brilliant people to create. Were you expecting them to be super nerds with no families or if they had children they would be plain average or dumb as a brick? "Chosen One"? How fucking disingenuous is that.And there's also the fact that she's only the Chosen One because her dad is a fucking genius that is awesome enough to be critical to the construction of the goddamn Death Star.
Am I wrong, or are there no white males in the main crew?
but there is a white woman.Am I wrong, or are there no white males in the main crew?
Am I wrong, or are there no white males in the main crew?