Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Why did Cassian have a spanish/mexican accent? He's a spy/assassin right? Wouldn't that mean he'd have to have, or at least adopt periodically, a british accent to fit in with all of the Imperials he's traveling around?
Cassian wasn't really a front line spy himself. He was one of the Fulcrums for Rebel Intelligence (the same position that Ahsoka Tano and now Agent Kallus have on the Rebels TV show). He would recruit others, coordinate the activities of other agents beneath him, and act as a point of contact for informants. And occasionally have to get his hands dirty as well (which we saw).
Vader issues: First of all, the temple looked very Mordor-ish. Don't rip off visuals from other famous franchises like that, jesus christ people. Second, why would he have that place on some lava planet? Just guessing, but I'd bet Vader isn't the type to want to be around a lot of fire after what happened to him.
It was one of the homages to Ralph McQuarrie's original concept art for the OT. Some of the early drafts of the screenplay for ESB had Vader's personal fortress as a location, which Lucas envisioned on a volcanic planet. The Mustafar we saw in the prequels was volcanic and pretty much the place where Anakin Skywalker ceased to exist and Darth Vader was born. So it's a fitting place for his digs on that front.
The movie is full of this type homages and call backs to McQuarrie's concept art, much of which concerned story elements that were ultimately changed and never appeared in the OT. One of the deepest cuts was to the drawing that was ultimately responsible for the final look of Vader as we would come to know him.
In the scene where Vader is standing on the edge of the Mon Cal ship as the Tantive IV pulls away, he's pretty much standing out in open space as he looks down on the ship. This was a call back to one of the very earliest drafts of Ep IV. Not only was Luke not a Skywalker at the time, he wasn't even Luke. In one part of the script, Vader was pursuing Deak Starkiller from ship to ship so McQuarrie drew Vader with a mask that would allow him to breath while out in open space. Lucas liked the look so much he changed Vader's overall appearance to have him wearing the mask all of the time.
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