The reason people are critical is because they actually like starwars and would like to see decent movies made from it. They have all the source material in the world to make decent stories out of. Could you imagine a show like Game of Thrones when every character is some monotone piece of shit with no emotional development what so ever. The reason people hated King Geoffrey is because they took the time to build the character and make the shit he did meaningul. In Rouge one it was some stupid teen pop cunt who nobody cares about, plus some best friend father figure who dies in 3 seconds then female who gives a fuck decides he is into the rebel thing so lets go grab a thing.. Really the movie sucked shit not because it was Starwars and not even because of the actors. It sucks giant dicks because shitty writing and a hack director.
The Star Destroyer models they used were absolutely spectacular. I am pretty sure they were using miniatures there again and not CGI as you could make out so much detail on them. Really good shit.
They were full CGI. No models were used in the shots themselves but the original models used in the OT were recreated, component by component, and reassembled as CG models.
Also I didn't get why the Rebel Alliance was all, "may the force be with you" and shit. I don't remember them being full on Jedi like that.
Ah, well they looked really good!
Also I didn't get why the Rebel Alliance was all, "may the force be with you" and shit. I don't remember them being full on Jedi like that.
Many Bothans gave their lives to discover the 2nd Death Star in ROTJ.they retconned the bothans!
Many Bothans gave their lives to discover the 2nd Death Star in ROTJ.
Grew up on the original and later TNG. Can't forget the animated series. Watched every movie up until Insurrection. Pretty sure I've seen parts of Nemesis but not the whole thing. Always been a bigger Wars fan, but I know my Trek.I really liked the first one he did but didn't like the second one. I only have a passing familiarity with the original TV series but I've seen most of the original cast movies (only liked the first couple of those). I never got into the Next Gen stuff or the other series that followed.
Just to be clear, you do know that Silmarillion exists right? No child abuse, but Tolkien did write a story that included Saurons origin, and betrayal into evil, and following Melkor.
Here let me find that for doing a prequel to The LOTR where Tolkien writes a story where Sauron was abused as a child and that's what lead him to becoming so evil.
Still plenty of real continuity errors without killing any Bothans. One example:
"You passed directly through a restricted system."
- Transmissions beamed directly to the Tantive? Clearly not true. Transmission was "beamed" to the Profundity and carried to the Tantive IV by Rebel Solders with a mass-murdering Vader himself hot on their heels. Ironically, the arguably single coolest scene of R1 (Vader unleashed) is also one of the poorest and worst-written as far as continuity goes.
Another one:
Commander Tagge: Until this battle station is fully operational we are vulnerable. The Rebel Alliance is too well equipped. They’re more dangerous than you realize.
I do have to say, the scroll for Ep4 is more meaningful with R1