Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The difference between The Force Awakens and the originals: this movie lacks soul, heart and a story.

Just remember when you first saw the original movies, they where full of wonder. Even if you didn't know what was going on exactly, you got a good sense it was a story about good and evil.
There were interesting characters, like Obiwan teaching knightly values of becoming a jedi. The temptation of the dark side. The evil dark knight Lord Vader. The princess who must be saved.
The boy Luke who wants to follow his dreams. The master Yoda who appears weak and old, but teaches the boy how to become a hero. The mysterious force constantly evolving in a resemblence of faith worthy of aspiring towards.
Mixed in with space pirates and beautifully delivered space ship battles. It's like a classic tale about knights with space magic and it was exciting and fantastic.

Now this thing lives off the nostaliga without bringing anything new to the table. There is no story told, no sense of wonder or excitement, only action.
At no point i felt challenged by the rehashed story or got the chance to get emotionally attached to any characters or events. I would even go as far and call the animated kids clone wars series had a better story then this.

For me, The Force Awakens was nothing more then 2 hours of silly but pretty action in the star wars universe. 5/10
Holy shit dude.

Wake the fuck up. It could of obviously been better but it was a good Star Wars movie and this is what we got. You are stuck in the past and out of touch if you thought this movie was soulless.

Jive Turkey

The difference between The Force Awakens and the originals: this movie lacks soul, heart and a story.

Just remember when you first saw the original movies, they where full of wonder. Even if you didn't know what was going on exactly, you got a good sense it was a story about good and evil.
There were interesting characters, like Obiwan teaching knightly values of becoming a jedi. The temptation of the dark side. The evil dark knight Lord Vader. The princess who must be saved.
The boy Luke who wants to follow his dreams. The master Yoda who appears weak and old, but teaches the boy how to become a hero. The mysterious force constantly evolving in a resemblence of faith worthy of aspiring towards.
Mixed in with space pirates and beautifully delivered space ship battles. It's like a classic tale about knights with space magic and it was exciting and fantastic.

Now this thing lives off the nostaliga without bringing anything new to the table. There is no story told, no sense of wonder or excitement, only action.
At no point i felt challenged by the rehashed story or got the chance to get emotionally attached to any characters or events. I would even go as far and call the animated kids clone wars series had a better story then this.

For me, The Force Awakens was nothing more then 2 hours of silly but pretty action in the star wars universe. 5/10
When you take the original trilogy as a whole, I would agree. But every time I watch ANH, it always strikes me how thin and small it feels. Yes, I liked the characters, but the story didn't get epic until ESB. The space battles in ANH were rudimentary (it gets a pass since it was 1977) and everything feels so tiny in scope. I was only 1 when Episode 4 was released, so I have no concept of a world without Star Wars or how it felt when they were first released, but my childhood was consumed with it (When I was around 3, the answer to the question "what do you want to be when you grow up?" was apparently "Yoda"); with that in mind, it's impossible for almost all of us to view the OT with anything but subjective nostalgia. They'll always have more heart and we'll always feel more connection to the characters. I'm not sure that's a useful or fair comparison to throw onto this new trilogy. But obviously you're entitled to your opinion.

edit: I'm not saying the new one has no soul; just that the old ones will always win out in comparison. Compare TFA to any of the prequels and you'll see if it's truly soulless (it's not). As much as I love R2 and 3PO, I'd even argue that BB-8 is a more lovable droid.


Karazhan Raider
The difference between The Force Awakens and the originals: this movie lacks soul, heart and a story.

Just remember when you first saw the original movies, they where full of wonder. Even if you didn't know what was going on exactly, you got a good sense it was a story about good and evil.
There were interesting characters, like Obiwan teaching knightly values of becoming a jedi. The temptation of the dark side. The evil dark knight Lord Vader. The princess who must be saved.
The boy Luke who wants to follow his dreams. The master Yoda who appears weak and old, but teaches the boy how to become a hero. The mysterious force constantly evolving in a resemblence of faith worthy of aspiring towards.
Mixed in with space pirates and beautifully delivered space ship battles. It's like a classic tale about knights with space magic and it was exciting and fantastic.

Now this thing lives off the nostaliga without bringing anything new to the table. There is no story told, no sense of wonder or excitement, only action.
At no point i felt challenged by the rehashed story or got the chance to get emotionally attached to any characters or events. I would even go as far and call the animated kids clone wars series had a better story then this.

For me, The Force Awakens was nothing more then 2 hours of silly but pretty action in the star wars universe. 5/10
Again with this same tired bullshit.

Get it through your head, you are NEVER going to be able to relive the OT! I don't know why it is so hard for people to grasp this simple point. No matter how good a movie that they put out with TFA, there is no way they are going to be able to erase 30 years of movie going experiences from people's minds.


Karazhan Raider
Which is why the movie is not as good as some people want it to be. If you have to explain stuff in another medium, you've failed somewhat.
I hate to keep beating a dead horse on this but I will. I think if we were talking about a stand alone movie then you'd be correct. In this case though, it is has been clearly explained to everyone at the outset that this is part 1 of a 3 part trilogy. Would I have liked to have gotten more background on everything that's going on? Yes. But, on the other hand, I don't think its necessary at this point to have everything explained in perfect detail. We still have several movies to fill in the gaps.


Mr. Poopybutthole
What is the matter with us, that we pick this movie apart so much? We've become a bunch of jaded and soulless old farts.

I saw the movie again yesterday, this time with the kids and wife. The kids took the death of Han Solo pretty hard. My daughter was crying. On the other hand, seeing how she took to Rey was "different." Females are not used to seeing action movies starring females. After the movie, we were discussing the movie, and all she did was talk about Rey.

I saw it with three generations of family yesterday. I remember standing in a line around the block for Star Wars IV. Now my parents are watching it with my kids. The fact that it appeals to three generations is pretty impressive.


what Suineg set it to
Church member drew this
So scanned into photoshop and charcoal drawing filter?


<Prior Amod>
The problem with the pirates in Han's ship is that they have absolutely no purpose save to force Rey into releasing the tentacle monsters so that they chase our heroes. They show up, speak their lines, then immediately get gobbled because the space monsters chase is Now and they're in the way.
Also introduce some Ghengis Khan motherfuckers in the universe.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So scanned into photoshop and charcoal drawing filter?
I was going to say that looks OVERLY convincing. As an art student I appreciate it, but when its so strikingly convincing it raises questions.

Everyone is going to have their complaints, but you have to think this movie couldnt truly really live up to what we the fans wanted, just because Arbams needed time to flesh out the new characters and introduce concepts whilst also making it interesting within itself. It was a tough task but he pulled it off fairly well.

EP VIII will quench the thirst a bit more IMO with Luke Skywalker taking center stage (hopefully) with Rey. Phasma and Poe obviously need to be strong actors this time around but I feel like there is almost no way VIII can be worse than VII.

Jive Turkey

I was going to say that looks OVERLY convincing. As an art student I appreciate it, but when its so strikingly convincing it raises questions.

Everyone is going to have their complaints, but you have to think this movie couldnt truly really live up to what we the fans wanted, just because Arbams needed time to flesh out the new characters and introduce concepts whilst also making it interesting within itself. It was a tough task but he pulled it off fairly well.

EP VIII will quench the thirst a bit more IMO with Luke Skywalker taking center stage (hopefully) with Rey. Phasma and Poe obviously need to be strong actors this time around but I feel like there is almost no way VIII can be worse than VII.
I don't think Luke will be a main character in the way Han was this time. Obviously his actions will drive the narrative forward, but I think his screen time will be closer to Yoda in the OT. The death of Han seemed like a deliberate and symbolic passing of the torch to the new characters. I'd expect to see Poe step in to Han's role when Episode 8 is released

Jive Turkey

I was going to say that looks OVERLY convincing. As an art student I appreciate it, but when its so strikingly convincing it raises questions.
I thought so too at first, but looking at the actual poster, there is some randomness in the hair that wasn't copied exactly.

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
(but lets be honest, you were always going to bash this film unless it was unpopular).
Nope. You would like to believe this, but I have no agenda. I wanted TFA to be my favorite of all. I thought it actually had a shot. But nope!

And I'm still not bashing the movie. I've said numerous times that I liked it. I just like the others more, and felt this was a little safe and bland.

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
This is absolutely nothing but rose colored glasses. You might as well substitute "originals" for Everquest and "TFA" with WoW. Which makes the prequels Vanguard.
That's actually not too bad of a comparison. I like all the above, but in this case EQ is my favorite. I felt WoW was lacking. I do love me some Vanguard though.


Buzzfeed Editor
I watched ESB last night for the first time in years. Watched ANH a week or so ago. ESB holds up so well. You could put that movie out today with some minor effects work and it would kill. ANH has some parts that are kind of cheesy. I am going to see TFA again tomorrow I think, we will see, but I really think I would rate TFA above ANH at this point. Needs a rewatch to kind of mull that over.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah the repeat story aside it would be ESB, TFA, ANH, ROTJ ------------------------------------------------------------>prequels


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I literally have not watched any of the prequels in over a decade. There is always something better on.


Trakanon Raider
ROTJ had some great parts (Emperor, space battles, final saber fight) but the whole ground battle with ewoks was some of the dumbest shit.