Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Well I remembered that the Star Wars Visual Dictionary for TFA had a galactic map in it and indeed there is an area that makes up about 20% of the galaxy called The Unknown Regions. Some individual systems within it are known but there are no reliably mapped hyperspace lanes in that area. None that are commonly known of anyway. The Jedi likely had such information which they kept to themselves because the Illum system was in that area and that is where they sent young Jedi to obtain their first kyber crystal.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
And then how did they find a single person, where he is on the entire planet??

Scan for life signs? That's a technique out of Star Trek, which wouldn't work too well when the planet is ( from what we see of it ) lush and fertile. meaning that there'd be all sorts of large bodied creatures living all over the planet.

I can understand scanning for life signs when a small group is on the surface of a desolate rock, wouldn't work here.


Avatar of War Slayer
And then how did they find a single person, where he is on the entire planet??

Scan for life signs? That's a technique out of Star Trek, which wouldn't work too well when the planet is ( from what we see of it ) lush and fertile. meaning that there'd be all sorts of large bodied creatures living all over the planet.

I can understand scanning for life signs when a small group is on the surface of a desolate rock, wouldn't work here.
the force.

they do "scan for life signs" in A new hope, on the shuttle at the start.. often joked about, given droids are a thing, that surely the guys scanning should have known about. how effective "life sign" scanning is, is never suggested I don't think.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
The unknown region was in the galactic northwest.
North to south it begins in galactic northwest and extends down to include all of the western portion and approaching galactic southwest. It's eastern edge gets close to the core worlds.


The section of BB-8's map looks like it falls within that region, at least a portion of it does.



what Suineg set it to
Did the Imperials never access the BB8 part? Because really what Gavin was saying about the endless was really more true the other way, they should have only needed the BB8 part.


Mr. Poopybutthole
No. Chief Justice Fargo gives it to Poe Dameron who gives it to BB-8 and the first order never gets their hands on BB-8.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I agree that if BB-8's map had just a couple of known, identifiable systems on it then they shouldn't have needed anything else to find Luke. But 3PO's statement about it not matching any charted area of space basically says that it doesn't. JJ's screw up from a director's perspective is more one of not realizing the CGI map that R2 projects makes that statement strain credulity since it has so many known systems around it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Once again, it's impossible that such an enormous chunk of the galaxy couldn't be matched to a star chart. You don't need to actually send a ship out there to explore systems, you can with a goddamn telescope. If BB-8's section of the map was a chunk of the Milky Way and you handed it to NASA for analysis, they'd probably have it matched within the hour and we aren't even a goddamn interstellar civilization. Assuming R2 is projecting the front of the map towards us, Jakku is actually INSIDE that missing portion of the map. Maybe even Takodana too, although Takodana is probably too far to the southeast. No charted area my ass. Also I didn't realize during the movie but looking at this still that orange line is at least 75k light years long. There is absolutely no fucking way that the only navigable hyperspace route to one specific planet is this meandering path 75k light years long.

All they needed to do was say that the map piece was scrambled until projected into the rest of the map that R2 had. If they had ever said anything about the map piece being encrypted (which I don't remember hearing after sitting through it twice), this giant but entirely irrelevant plot hole wouldn't exist.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
What you're talking about with telescopes is a broader failure of Star Wars lore. There would be no "Unknown Regions" after thousands of years of observations. They might not know what individual systems contained, which were inhabited by whom etc, but they would know where all of the planetary systems were located. Yet the lore says otherwise and the movies are allowed to operate within that lore.

As for the path, I don't think that represents a single hyperspace lane. It's probably the path that Luke took on his travels searching for the first Jedi temple and includes portions of multiple lanes. It looks like it originates somewhere near Yavin (and the map is projected towards us, if you look at the indications of spiral arms of the core).

Jive Turkey

At the risk of contributing to the dry vaginas within 10kms of this discussion, the path on the star map appears to startoffthe map. Is it simply a different galaxy than the one they're currently in?


Trakanon Raider
Gav, I'm not saying you're wrong, because the way it's given to us it is vague. But it's entirely possible that any habitable planets in those zones that may have had intelligent life had died out thousands of years ago. If the Jedi had their first temple on this planet, they could have intentionally erased the records of it in the galactic database. Hell they could have done that to any number of sectors in that chunk of the map and called it dangerous. I guess that's just the justification my nerd brain gives it.

Also, did we ever see the First Orders map? I can't remember. If we didnt, it's possible that R2 was compiling the existing map data and came up with what we see at the end. He may have added they rest to give a scope of where they were looking in the galaxy.


Mr. Poopybutthole
At the risk of contributing to the dry vaginas within 10kms of this discussion, the path on the star map appears to startoffthe map. Is it simply a different galaxy than the one they're currently in?
It looks like it starts at a halo star, but it's definitely in the galaxy. Intergalactic travel was possible in the EU, but according to wookiepedia, it took the Yuuzhan Vong millennia to get here on world ships. Considering the fact that it takes less than 16 hours to travel 60k light years along one of the hyperspace superlanes, that means either the Yuuzhan Vong galaxy was an impossibly vast distance away or the speed of hyperspace travel is impeded somehow when you're in the intergalactic gulf.

Neither one really makes sense, but the EU was pretty much garbage anyway.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Its kinda like how the Nazis thought they knew where to dig for the Ark based on the branded image on Toht's hand, but really they were missing crucial information that was only available on the other side. BB-8 had the other side and Luke is the Ark. Which kinda makes Luke the MacGuffin, but really the map piece was the MacGuffin for the big Luke MacGuffin.


FPS noob
congrats, you galactic star map guys have managed to pull star wars below star trek and furries in the nerd hierarchy
