Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


I've never read any of the Extended Universe stuff I've only seen the Films and TV shows Played Kotor and Swtor and from what I've come to believe is that.

Darth is a Title equivalent to Master in the Jedi. Just because you are a Darth doesn't mean other people can outrank you. The title isn't given or earned though, I think any Sith can call themselves Darth but apparently it's like a challenge to other Sith and may get you killed.

You lose your real name when you become a Sith and you get named by your current master hence the evil sounding names Maul,Vader, Sisious etc.

The Galactic Empire is different from the Sith they are not really integrated into normal imperial society. The Emperor is a Sith and he runs the empire but other Siths are like religious zealots and not normally in in the military. Hence you get this quote
"Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Vader. Your sad devotion to that ancient Jedi religion has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes, or given you enough clairvoyance to find the rebels' hidden fortress..."
Vader doesn't have a real rank in the military but the Emperor basically gives him free reign on doing what he needs to do.

There used to be lots of Jedi and Sith back in the day but then they stopped being born as often i guess so now they are really rare. I don't know why though.

Also new Toys!
Here is a 64 picture catalog of all the upcoming Swtor toys.

Star Wars Titanium Black Series Poe Damerons x Wing Force Awakens in Hand | eBay

Edit: If any of you go to a Walmart/Target recently take a stroll around the toy section and look for any of the "Black Series" new Star wars toys they are being released early and are going for $100+ it's a quick gain for a $15 toy.


Mr. Poopybutthole
About a thousand years BBY a Sith named Darth Bane wiped out the rest of the Sith Lords and instituted the Rule of Two wherein there would only ever be two sith, a master and an apprentice. That's why there are so few Sith. There are other dark side cults that aren't Sith, like the Witches of Dathomir. At the time of the prequels the Jedi Order was as strong as it ever was during the time of the Old Republic, aside from the time of the KOTOR games where the order is wiped out by the Sith and then reformed by the apprentices of the Exile.

So yeah there's a reason there are so few Sith, but I have no idea why you would think Jedi were rare.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I actually knew all that without resorting the the wookie. What I didn't know is that it eventually turned into a Rule of One during the time of Luke's Great Grandchildren or some such shit, and what I read made me glad Disney pulled a Scarlet Witch on the Extended Universe.


Avatar of War Slayer
Thats the EU explanation yes. In the original trilogy however, it was simply an old religion. That Imperial who doubts for example. Han Solo himself also says he doesn't believe it exists. Even with Jedi hunted to extinction over the last 30 years. is patently absurd to go from Jedi being a well known peacekeeping force, with clear and obvious superpowers for between 1000-10,000 years, to people acting like they didnt even exist 30 years later.
Its pretty clear Jedi were not intended to be that mainstream or numerous in the first place. "your father and I fought in the clone wars" was meant as yeah, we were members of the order that enlisted. not, "oh yeah, we were totally the 5 star generals in total command of all armies of the republic and also the two individuals most directly responsible for the republic falling, and becoming the Empire."


Thats the EU explanation yes. In the original trilogy however, it was simply an old religion. That Imperial who doubts for example. Han Solo himself also says he doesn't believe it exists. Even with Jedi hunted to extinction over the last 30 years. is patently absurd to go from Jedi being a well known peacekeeping force, with clear and obvious superpowers for between 1000-10,000 years, to people acting like they didnt even exist 30 years later.
Its pretty clear Jedi were not intended to be that mainstream or numerous in the first place. "your father and I fought in the clone wars" was meant as yeah, we were members of the order that enlisted. not, "oh yeah, we were totally the 5 star generals in total command of all armies of the republic and also the two individuals most directly responsible for the republic falling, and becoming the Empire."
Yeah that doesn't make sense. If the imperial guy and Han Solo don't believe in the force sith/Jedi but 30 years ago Jedi were everywhere it seems strange. I always thought Jedi in the prequels would be like sub 200 people and kinda of out of the public spotlight.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I mean, you're at least partly right. But the galaxy is an impossibly large place, and all of the movies are told from the point of view of Jedi. Maybe outside of Coruscant, or peacekeeping missions of extreme importance like the one to Naboo, Jedi wouldn't be seen for hundreds of years between visits on any given world prior to them being thrust into leadership positions in the Clone Wars. I mean that theory doesn't work quite so well when you consider that Anakin, Shmi, and Watto all knew about Jedi and were from a galactic backwater in the Outer Rim, but it doesn't fall apart completely.

Han was saying he didn't believe in the force, and despite his claim about having traveled from one side of the galaxy to the other, it's entirely possible he never met a survivor of the Jedi Purge. I don't think he ever saw any overt use of the force by Obi-Wan, it's possible the first time he actually saw a blatant use of the force was when an unarmed Vader was able to deflect his blaster bolts with his bare hands and then TK his blaster away from him. I mean god knows how many force users he was bro-fisting with in the EU, but those dark times are behind us now.


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
Off topic a bit, but the Target stores around here have removed every Star Wars toy from their aisles except for the Lego stuff.
Apparently they want maximum impact for next Friday when they unleash the kraken. I'm over 40 and can't wait to look at the new toys.


Off topic a bit, but the Target stores around here have removed every Star Wars toy from their aisles except for the Lego stuff.
Apparently they want maximum impact for next Friday when they unleash the kraken. I'm over 40 and can't wait to look at the new toys.
Yeah force Friday gonna be huge. Tons of scampers and man children.

I 100% gonna buy there $75 quality light sabers and keep them stashed away.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I always saw Vader not so much as part of the military rank and file, but more like an Ayatollah or a Warrior Monk.
Yeah if you remember duringEmpirewhen Vader told General Veers to prepare his men for the assault on the Hoth, Veers acknowledges the command but looks to Admiral Ozzel after Vader walks away for formal permission to do so.


I can't imagine that any new Star Wars toys will ever appreciate in value the way the original ones did.
It won't in a collectible sense but hasbro and Disney release these in waves and then once they are gone they are gone. If you hold onto it for a bit you can sell it for usually double.

I do it now with marvel toys when ever I go to target for socks or shaving cream I always walk the toy isles because if you go at the right time you can pick up rare action figures and resell them on eBay for triple the price by the time you check out.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah if you remember duringEmpirewhen Vader told General Veers to prepare his men for the assault on the Hoth, Veers acknowledges the command but looks to Admiral Ozzel after Vader walks away for formal permission to do so.
I agree that's a valid interpretation. It's also possible that since Vader just abruptly walks away, military discipline requires Ozzel to dismiss Veers before he can leave, since Ozzel is now the highest ranking officer in the conversation. Keep in mind Vader does have the authority to summarily execute Ozzel and promote Piett in his place. It's clear from Admiral Motti's insubordination in A New Hope (the dude Vader chokes) that Vader was not directly part of the military chain of command until the EU made him the Supreme Commander, an Admiral would never mock his commander to his face like that, but even if he was outside that chain, he was clearly far above it.


Avatar of War Slayer
I mean, you're at least partly right. But the galaxy is an impossibly large place, and all of the movies are told from the point of view of Jedi. Maybe outside of Coruscant, or peacekeeping missions of extreme importance like the one to Naboo, Jedi wouldn't be seen for hundreds of years between visits on any given world prior to them being thrust into leadership positions in the Clone Wars. I mean that theory doesn't work quite so well when you consider that Anakin, Shmi, and Watto all knew about Jedi and were from a galactic backwater in the Outer Rim, but it doesn't fall apart completely.

Han was saying he didn't believe in the force, and despite his claim about having traveled from one side of the galaxy to the other, it's entirely possible he never met a survivor of the Jedi Purge. I don't think he ever saw any overt use of the force by Obi-Wan, it's possible the first time he actually saw a blatant use of the force was when an unarmed Vader was able to deflect his blaster bolts with his bare hands and then TK his blaster away from him. I mean god knows how many force users he was bro-fisting with in the EU, but those dark times are behind us now.
also consider I was a bit wrong on time. I said "in 30 years".
But thats wrong. Luke is 19 in a new hope. it was only 19 years.
And Han is "30 something". So he was like 21 to 5 years old at the end of the Clone wars.

Yes, Jedi being super rare and near myth would make total sense, in the original series. Except for what we saw in the prequels, where, very clearly NOT.
Its hard to reconcile.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Its hard to reconcile.
It's easy to reconcile, I have a very simple mantra for you to repeat, and it will relieve your mind of this terrible burden. Repeat after me.

The prequels were bad. The prequels were bad. The prequels were bad.


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
Watched Empire last night (first time in about a year) with my 8 year old nephew who already knows its the best of the bunch, and then tonight decided to watch Ep3, which I believe to be the best of the prequel trilogy. Its insane how these two films are not even in the same ballpark quality wise. The prequels really are bad. Keep hearing from people working on the new movie that its going to challenge Empire for best in the series. Not sure if serious, or possible...


Poet Warrior
Its pretty clear Jedi were not intended to be that mainstream or numerous in the first place. "your father and I fought in the clone wars" was meant as yeah, we were members of the order that enlisted. not, "oh yeah, we were totally the 5 star generals in total command of all armies of the republic and also the two individuals most directly responsible for the republic falling, and becoming the Empire."

Lucas literally invented a new religion with the Jedi and Star Wars. The idea of The Force is a very cool one. Light sabers are also cool as shit. But Ben and "Young Vader' were supposed to be more equivalent to a Catholic or Buddhist Monk joining the ranks and getting his head shaved like all the other grunts. In no way did I ever imagine that Ben and Vader were, as you say, 5 Star Generals in the largest war ever fought. That would be like Eisenhower retiring after WWII and being a nomad in Vegas that nobody ever recognized.

But it's all a stream-of-consciouness myth that evolved along the way. The first strand of helix molecules to replicate themselves had no idea they would one day spawn Nikki Minag, but that is what is relevant. Lucas had no idea his shit was going to become like, literally, one of the biggest cultural phenomenons in the history of the information age.

Anyway. God I love Star Wars.