Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Trakanon Raider
Semi off topic, but my son is turning 5 in a week, and we decided he could handle Star Wars. Finished the original trilogy last night. He asked if there was more to watch because the prequels are sitting on the shelf. I'll let him watch those at some point soon, but it was the first time I hesitated about my feelings on the prequels. It's not a love/hate, more an appreciate/dissapoint. I'm happy they were made because of the revitalization of the brand, but they were such let down. Hopefully Episode 7 blows our minds. Meanwhile, I'm going back to waching my son make lightsabers out or anything he can find. It's a proud day.


Avatar of War Slayer
It's easy to reconcile, I have a very simple mantra for you to repeat, and it will relieve your mind of this terrible burden. Repeat after me.

The prequels were bad. The prequels were bad. The prequels were bad.
as much as I would love to. honestly its more then just the prequels. The EU is just as guilty of this.

Like, sure Knights of the Old Republic. its ok having crazy magic Jedi, and Jedi vs sith wars. its 4000 years in the past. That gives plenty of time for most of it to be "forgotten".
It's STILL a bit dangerous though.

As we've mentioned before, EU is really guilty at times of power creep and shitty writers trying to 1up each other with coolness. Light spears, light scimitars, light boomarangs light whips.. Force hadokens, force crushing star destroyers. Force galactic storms killing planets.
Plenty of youtubers pointing out how stupid cgi Yoda flipping around with a lightsaber was. But, the EU is guilty of shit even dumber.

For every 1 good EU story, there is 10 bad ones.


2 Minutes Hate
EU was basically fanfiction that no one read except a few people compared to the amount of people who watched the movies.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Dutch is the language Lucas claimed Darth Vader meant Dark Father in you stupid motherfucker.
What was your point again? That because lucas was bad at dutch his own explanation for how he came up with the name is somehow invalid? To english speaking audiences, it still had a 'dark father' sound to it, especially once we knew the big secret.

also consider I was a bit wrong on time. I said "in 30 years".
But thats wrong. Luke is 19 in a new hope. it was only 19 years.
And Han is "30 something". So he was like 21 to 5 years old at the end of the Clone wars.

Yes, Jedi being super rare and near myth would make total sense, in the original series. Except for what we saw in the prequels, where, very clearly NOT.
Its hard to reconcile.
The emporer spent those 19 years trying to wipe all memory of the jedi from the galaxy. It was in a number of the books, and is even in the newest books that are still canon. Aside from hunting them down, he erased mentions of them from libraries and movies, jailed and executed people who spoke of them, and probably some other stuff I can't recall right now. It was an aggressive purging campaign.

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
About a thousand years BBY a Sith named Darth Bane wiped out the rest of the Sith Lords and instituted the Rule of Two wherein there would only ever be two sith, a master and an apprentice. That's why there are so few Sith. There are other dark side cults that aren't Sith, like the Witches of Dathomir.At the time of the prequels the Jedi Order was as strong as it ever was during the time of the Old Republic, aside from the time of the KOTOR games where the order is wiped out by the Sith and then reformed by the apprentices of the Exile.
I'm not sure that's accurate. From what I remember off the top of my head, it was stated a few times that the Jedi order had diminished in power, and had lost much of their strength in abilities during the time of the prequels. Hence the need to bring the Force back into balance through Anakin.


what Suineg set it to
Are KOTOR/sequels/etc. canon still? I guess the Jedi lose a ton of people on Geonosis but then again the movie jedi vs video game jedi are basically leagues apart in some ways.


Trakanon Raider
KOTOR is no longer canon. And the Jedi order in the prequels is very diminished. They even said something about not being able to marshal like they once could. Not a direct quote obviously.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Well. It's semi canon. Revan was mentioned in the clone wars, and that's still canon. So is assume that is canon that he existed and had a large enough impact to be mentioned, same with exar kun and most of the big name sith


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well. It's semi canon. Revan was mentioned in the clone wars, and that's still canon. So is assume that is canon that he existed and had a large enough impact to be mentioned, same with exar kun and most of the big name sith
Revan, as a Sith Lord, along with Darth Bane was initially set to make an appearance in the Clone Wars television series episode "Ghosts of Mortis". Revan and Bane were originally supposed to be the influence behind the Son's evil deeds. The scene was created, however George Lucas chose to delete it because it conflicted with his idea of the Force. Therefore, his is not considered canon.
Was it something other than this? And good god the only thing I can imagine making that episode worse was them stuffing Revan and Bane into it.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Honestly, I don't remember. I thought it was just a name drop, though, not a big part of the episode.


KOTOR is no longer canon. And the Jedi order in the prequels is very diminished. They even said something about not being able to marshal like they once could. Not a direct quote obviously.
Also: ten thousand Jedi in a universe with billions of billions of people is so ridiculously rare they may as well be myths for most peopleanyway.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Also: ten thousand Jedi in a universe with billions of billions of people is so ridiculously rare they may as well be myths for most peopleanyway.
Right, this is the point that I was trying to make. Even if I was wrong about the size of the Jedi Order when the sequels begin, they're still a drop in the bucket compared to the population of the galaxy. Star Wars is on the Warhammer 40k scale, not a Star Trek or Mass Effect scale. In Star Trek they've only explored a very small part of the galaxy. In Star Wars, I would say 3/4ths of the galaxy is explored and colonized. According to a Star Wars galaxy map, only the galactic west is unexplored. Also, the Star Wars galaxy has 5 distinct arms compared to the 2 the Milky Way has, meaning their galaxy is much denser without the large voids the Milky Way has. They even seem to have a much smaller galactic core.

I mean, you can sort of assume that most worlds at least have wildly exaggerated stories and legends of the Jedi, hence Anakin's belief that nobody could kill one. And maybe Watto was well traveled in the days before he settled on Tattooine, which is how he knew that Jedi could do mind tricks.

I always assumed Jedi were sort of like Space Marines in 40k. They're actually incredibly rare and the vast majority of people in the Imperium will never see one, but you read about them all the time in novels because they're one of the more badass aspects of the setting. So obviously Jedi will feature prominently in the movies, even if they're actually quite rare throughout the galaxy.


what Suineg set it to
Plus, consider that a jedi human compared to a normal human is 'special' but compare your run-of-the-mill shit-tier jedi to say, super dextrous/fast/smart/strong random 'aliens' and the gap there probably shrinks. Obviously there are super jedi, alien jedi, etc. but seems to me if you're a jedi on a ship that gets blown to pieces by torpedoes the force matters very little. That on top of the fact that the jedi's greatest powers are manipulation, not cutting one person in half at a time and it appears that they probably wouldn't stand out as 'super' most of the time but rather more like aliens/aristocrats/assholes.