Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Rian Johnson's entire instagram is members of the media and media event days and selfies with media guys during the press tour.
His. Entire. Instagram. If you let Rian sit down 1 on 1 with you and explain the entire movie and creative process you would be talked into a 10/10, and if you are a really hard sell then a hand-shake and video selfie and tag/shoutout of your nobody self on his social media profile will absolutely seal the deal. I don't give a fuck what you think of the guy. He directed a Star Wars movie. Him spending time with you is going to be a big deal.
And you are still wondering about TLJ reviews? He just about hauled off to the cemetery and tried to snap a picture with Ebert.
If spending time with and interacting with critics on social media was all it took to get positive reviews then every director in Hollywood would be a Spielberg. Those things aren't that hard to do and every studio directly engages with the media for all of their major movies and many of their smaller ones. While schmoozing with reviewers certainly doesn't hurt it's not going to be enough to get your stinker, which many here think this movie to be, bumped up to misunderstood art house status in defiance of the masses. It probably has the most potential sway with some of the smaller outlet and independent reviewers for whom access is more of a big deal but once a person has been in the game long enough to have a sizeable following or work for a large enough outlet then that access becomes a matter of routine regardless of how they review any given movie.
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