it'll be hard for them to find more classic characters to ruin and humiliate. Maybe Darth Vader will have secretly survived and is now going to be played by Andy Dick.
SJWs are melting down over this. Redlettermedia are the next "promlematic" crusade I guess.
Am I the only one that would tap Daisy in her death star with my lightsaber?
The deepfake vid of her is lame :/
Only way I'd watch anything 9 related is RLM's review of it. DisneyLucasArtsWars isn't getting another dime of my money, or second of my time for "metrics."
Yeah, I would have headshotted her immediately for sabotage. Han had the right idea.and holy shit that scene where Rose stops Finn from blowing up the giant laser, I swear to god I'd execute her for being a first order mole at that point.
i still dont understand how flying into an uber laser that can destroy the rebel Fortress door didnt evaporate Finn instantly. this was brought up in the RLM review, but i forgot about how stupid that was.
The RLM review probably tripled the amount of TLJ footage I've seen.
I assume they were going for the same thing as the Independence Day laser where it starts at a lower power and then builds up to the massive burst. Still would be smarter to fly just outside the beam and only swerve in at the last second.Not that Johnson had the slightest idea what he was doing, but from other sci-fi weapon fluff I've read you could claim that the initial lower power of the beam is what creates a path for the full power blast to travel along. Finn not getting shredded to pieces by the beam is barely even a blip on the list of stupid fucking things in this movie.
I know people had a lot to say about Admiral Purple Hair but I was not prepared for just how patronizing her mannerisms, tone, and delivery actually were. This is the leader of the rebellion? How?
I assume they were going for the same thing as the Independence Day laser where it starts at a lower power and then builds up to the massive burst. Still would be smarter to fly just outside the beam and only swerve in at the last second.
Since we're nitpicking things to death.. how did Rose overtake Finn's ship for her to make the 90 degree turn and T-bone him from the side anyways?