That would be the "and Hope" part of the titlethe video ends with a Dave Filloni voice over and shots of him.
Someone posted this in the FSR. This image is incredible. Why the fuck can't we get new and interesting ships like this in Star Wars:
Instead, we get boring retreads of old designs like this crap. Literally just ripping off everything from 35-40 years ago.
It's happening!
It's happening!
Star Wars: M Night Shyamalan
This is going to be a movie I think that gets worse with time as people digest it. Right now, I can see a lot of people loving it because the themes behind the story are "empowering" and it genuinely shakes up the lore of the universe in ways that feel very new and exciting. It's also beautiful, if you pulled out the story, the movie is just gorgeous visually--if you don't think about it, its one of those movies that's just enjoyable to watch. But much like the prequels, its going to be one of those movies where as you think about the twists, and the "why"--it will slowly start to turn sour, I think. I could be wrong and it could get better with time, but I for sure thing this is going to go the other way for most people.
It's happening!
i liked Plinkett's comentary. "what? i dont like you!" every time he played that clip of Admiral Gender Studies telling Poe to shut up, pisses me off even further.God Rose looks so fucking fat in that clip. Almost had to shut it off.
The revulsion does not age well with time.
A "gravity well" is just gravity. It simplifies the visualization of how gravity works.
The "gravity well" of small objects exists but is negligible for matter at the scale depicted in TLJ bombing scene. THAT is the problem.
Gravity exits between any two pieces of matter in space, no matter the distance. But it follows the inverse-square law. At long distance it may feel like nothing, but it's there.
The bombing run could have been one of those funny things that makes no sense in a film you love.Carrie Fisher got rocketed out into space and Mary Poppins' herself back into a ship but a fucking bombing run is what got some jimmies rustled?