Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
What I don't understand is this;

They say the cruisers are to far away to shoot effectively, but have no issues smoking multiple transports even further away. Why the fuck they not just do that to the cruisers?

Cruiser had shields and the transports don't.... but, yea, this was a far fetched scenario. Could have been planned out better.
It did give us the Lightspeed cruiser slicing through the ship, cool effect, but if they wanted to have the resistance cornered for ~18hrs, have them holed up on the planet or someshit.

But yea, seems like the Empire/Order always have the big guns, but move at a snail's pace, every episode, thus giving the Resistance/Rebellion time to counter. It's part of the ethos I guess.


Tranny Chaser
What I don't understand is this;

They say the cruisers are to far away to shoot effectively, but have no issues smoking multiple transports even further away. Why the fuck they not just do that to the cruisers?

The cruiser has much stronger shields compared to the very small transports which were rigged to be cloaked. Their defense was to be that they we're hard to detect in lieu of shields


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Other cringy plot point was the transports somehow being "cloaked" but any idiot could look out the viewport and see them traveling away from the cruiser to the planet.


Molten Core Raider
Luke's story sucked. We wait 35 years to see luke do something cool on screen and not only is he a tit sucking waste of a jedi master but it is also revealed that he at one point wanted to kill Ben Solo because of the darkness in him. Wait, what ? Wasn't luke the one that proved them all wrong with vader because he sensed the good in him ? The cheese has gotten cheesier.
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Molten Core Raider
Other cringy plot point was the transports somehow being "cloaked" but any idiot could look out the viewport and see them traveling away from the cruiser to the planet.

Funny thing about that whole chase for whole movie thing, they couldn't like call in ships in front of them ??
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Luke's story sucked. We wait 35 years to see luke do something cool on screen and not only is he a tit sucking waste of a jedi master but it is also revealed that he at one point wanted to kill Ben Solo because of the darkness in him. Wait, what ? Wasn't luke the one that proved them all wrong with vader because he sensed the good in him ? The cheese has gotten cheesier.

Lol such trash.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Funny thing about that whole chase for whole movie thing, they couldn't like call in ships in front of them ??

Right? Didn't make any sense. They call Kylo back because "we can't protect you from this distance"...but a measly 4 fucking fighters were enough to blow up the command cabin to put Leia out into space
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Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Called it. Lol

Go see it a few more times guys, I'm sure it's better on repeat showings.

Then you just need to see ep9 3-4 times, you know, to get all the nuance.

And you guys wonder why shit movies keep getting made.

Zero. Dollars.

Also, you have to be a fucking retard to check this thread after the movie is out, but before you have seen it, and not expect spoilers. Fucking Momo's.
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<Gold Donor>
For those of you that loved the movie I am truly jealous, I wish I could feel the same way you do. I just have a hard time understanding how you reconcile some of those "moments" like...

Leia "Mary Poppins" Organa Solo
  • 5Worf
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For those of you that loved the movie I am truly jealous, I wish I could feel the same way you do. I just have a hard time understanding how you reconcile some of those "moments" like...

Leia "Mary Poppins" Organa Solo

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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
Called it. Lol

Go see it a few more times guys, I'm sure it's better on repeat showings.

Then you just need to see ep9 3-4 times, you know, to get all the nuance.

And you guys wonder why shit movies keep getting made.

Zero. Dollars.

Shit movies have been made for as long as there have been movies, and shit movies will be made for as long as there will be movies. Now that Disney owns the property, there's going to be a fucking avalanche of Star Wars films throughout the rest of each of our lives and long after we're dead. Some will be shit, some will be decent, maybe a handful will be truly awesome. But they will all be impervious to angry nerds who think they're going to vote with their wallets. Either watch them, or don't. It makes no difference anymore.


Trakanon Raider
Just got back, I'm legit baffled as to how this is getting good reviews from critics. Jumbled mess of a movie with what might be one of the most unintentionally funny moments in movie history.

6/10, at best.


I absolutely hated one minor aspect of it.

I have always had a thing for the imperial royal guard in the original movies. They wrote some comics about them also and they were a cool concept.

In this one it looks like they let them all go pick their own weapon out of a catalog and said "make sure there are enough different weapons". Then at least two of the weapons turned into "whips" also because it's a cool looking weapon?!?!

Their armor also stopped lightsaber attacks which they constantly used their bracers for, oh but not all the time. Some times you could cut a dude in half through their armor.

The battle was cool but those problems really angered me for some reason.

The rest of the movie did overuse quippy one liners but it wasn't the worst. The chase of the rebels being so long that a group could leave, go to a casino, get thrown in the jail, break out, and then make it back during the chase .... so shitty at really capturing the scope of time or anything else involved there.
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<Gold Donor>
I absolutely hated one minor aspect of it.

I have always had a thing for the imperial royal guard in the original movies. They wrote some comics about them also and they were a cool concept.

In this one it looks like they let them all go pick their own weapon out of a catalog and said "make sure there are enough different weapons". Then at least two of the weapons turned into "whips" also because it's a cool looking weapon?!?!

Their armor also stopped lightsaber attacks which they constantly used their bracers for, oh but not all the time. Some times you could cut a dude in half through their armor.

The battle was cool but those problems really angered me for some reason.

The rest of the movie did overuse quippy one liners but it wasn't the worst. The chase of the rebels being so long that a group could leave, go to a casino, get thrown in the jail, break out, and then make it back during the chase .... so shitty at really capturing the scope of time or anything else involved there.
Was it the aspect between the opening scroll and the final credits?
  • 11Worf
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Tranny Chaser
For those of you that loved the movie I am truly jealous, I wish I could feel the same way you do. I just have a hard time understanding how you reconcile some of those "moments" like...

Leia "Mary Poppins" Organa Solo

Was it that Leia used the Force to save herself that you had issue with, or just the specific visual effect itself? Personally I loved that we finally got to see the OTHER Skywalker using the Force in a meaningful way. I had always held out hope that Leia was a Jedi Consular so was excited to see her demonstrate some aspect of that power.

If the visual instead had been her floating in space with a 'force bubble' around her and then, with eyes closed, levitating towards the door would that have worked for you?
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<Gold Donor>
Was it that Leia used the Force to save herself that you had issue with, or just the specific visual effect itself? Personally I loved that we finally got to see the OTHER Skywalker using the Force in a meaningful way. I had always held out hope that Leia was a Jedi Consular so was excited to see her demonstrate some aspect of that power.

If the visual instead had been her floating in space with a 'force bubble' around her and then, with eyes closed, levitating towards the door would that have worked for you?

In theory I have no issue with Leia tapping into her Force Sensitivity to save her self form that situation or escaping death in some other way, it was the execution of the scene on the whole. It just read so cheesy and so forced that I literally cringed and had to hold in a moan as to be respectful to the other movie goers. Please believe me, I wish I liked this movie more, I am honestly jealous that I am unable to see the movie the way you do. I am a huge fanboi, but I almost feel betrayed. TFA was such a palette cleanser in comparison to the prequels, it literally gave me "A New Hope" that Star Wars was back. I walked out of the Theater last night with that same feeling I had walking out of the Prequels, I really wanted to like I just feel like they dropped the ball in so many ways. If it were just a few "moments" I would be much more forgiving, but it was nearly every scene. I am just sad man.

Here is my gut reaction when I got home last night

I am so disappointed right now. This movie was almost prequel bad. I just can't believe the choices they made and how disjointed the first 30-40 minutes were.

Off the top of my head here are my biggest issues or at least the ones that made me groan...
  • There is no gravity in space, how the fuck did those bombs fall on the Dreadnaught?
  • Leia flying through space
  • Luke milking that Sea Cow Thing
  • Luke Spear Fishing
  • Chewie was just a throw away character
  • Benicio's characters speech tick
  • Why was Phasma even in this movie?
  • Yoda Force Ghost lightning???
  • The whole Speed Theme with the ships running out of fuel.
  • Poe showing zero remorse for getting all the Bomber Pilots killed
  • Poe's whole character
  • The reveal about Rey's Parents felt like misdirect and we don't know the real answer yet, either way it was lame
  • Thew lack of Origin Story for Snoke
  • Snoke going out the way he did... more on this below
  • The fight against the Praetorian Guards, let's broth kill 3 of the 4 we are fighting and struggle with the last one... WTF?
  • When did Jedi' become David Copperfields?
  • The HAMFISTED jokes every 5 minutes, less is more. If they cut out 5 or 6 of the jokes it would have been better.
  • Kylo & Rey deciding they had to fight it out with each other rather than talk just a little
  • Rose falling in love with Fin in less than 12 hours.
Overall it feels like whoever wrote this story line just binge watched the first 7 movies for the first time and then sat down and wrote a script, mising all the nuance of what makes Star Wars so cool.

Regarding Snoke, just like the last Dark Side Force Wielder that got cut in half I look forward his triumphant return in the next Disnet XD Star Wars Cartoon Series. I have no doubt that Snoke will WILL himself to live using the his hate only to team up with his long lost brother Supreme Cheeser Poke. We will actually get an Origin Story worthy of the character only to have him die in a similar fashion yet it will be more satisfying. I feel like my childhood truly died tonight...

EDITED: Spellling

And with that, I am going to stop posting in this thread (unless asked a direct question). I hate it when other people come to threads and just repeat their dislike for something over and over, I do not want to be that guy and I really do hope others enjoy it.
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El Presidente
This movie wasn't very satisfying. It wasn't horrendous in the way The Room or the Highlander sequels are bad, but it wasn't good. The character interactions mostly just felt forced and not natural at all.
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<Silver Donator>
My company had an event for our customers to watch this. Just got back. I'd give it around a 5/10. Lots of the same complaints others here have but the overall ones...

  • WAY TOO MUCH forced comedy. A joke here or there where it fits is great.. that whole bit with Poe at the beginning made it feel like a parody of Star Wars films.
  • Almost everything with Luke I saw as a waste of an icon.
  • Everything in the whole story line for Finn/Rose.
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I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
Well, I thought the movie was wrapping up about 30 minutes before it did. I think it should have, but no it tried to cram more shit in there. Overall...not a very good movie, and a pretty bad Star Wars movie. I can't count the number of horrible inaccuracies on how characters would (should) be acting. Holy shit Luke....what did they do to Luke. They went full retard with Poe. The Fin portions of the movie (most of the movie) were a snooze-fest. All of that could have been forgiven as long as they didn't completely fuck up Luke, but alas....
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FPS noob
one thing i got confused about, maybe someone who knows more about the backstory or something could explain
So its repeatedly said in this movie and TFA that Kylo leads the "Knights of Ren", like some sorta cosplay group. Luke even says he killed everyone at the Jedi training academy except for a few followers. Sooooo where did all those guys go? Ren probably wouldn't have been such an emo goth if he had some friends around to play Sith football with.

At first I thought maybe Snoke's bodyguards were that, but that doesn't really make any sense. It woulda been nice to see some sort of KOTOR level sith force, like a growing army of the sith that are the backbone of The First Order and snoke ignoring the "only 2 sith at a time" rule which leads to sith just always having power struggles in episode 9 but sadly we got Casino planet instead.