Just saw it. Pretty decent. WAY better than the second one, a little too "busy" to be better than TFA for me personally.
I like how they retconned a bunch of shit from the second movie. Rey's parents being "nobodies". Normies using the force. Basically Luke's death was the only thing from TLJ that mattered.
I went "oh shit Wedge!" when they showed him on screen, but I don't think anyone else would get it except the guy who went "OOOOOHHH" when they first showed Leia's lightsaber.
Overall 7.5/10 probably. Some dumb stuff, but not NEARLY as fucking bad as the last movie. Also kind of disappointed Kylo Ren died, but I'd rather that then him and Rey hooking up and running the new Jedi Order or whatever. I honestly thought Rey was just going to seppoku and then Ben would just murder fuck the Emperor, but I guess her being a true Jedi, she had to live.
I really want a series with a dark side user who isn't evil or corrupted. Like just uses his emotions to fuck shit up. The whole monk schtick is cool, but we need something different. Some one just cutting through the badguys for a just cause. A Force Wielding Punisher basically. I'd fucking be super down for that shit.