Sorry a fat white guy came up with baby yoda.If it weren't for baby yoda I'd be quite upset!
Sorry a fat white guy came up with baby yoda.
Imagine the only thing going for your franchise being a obvious cash grab gimmick.
You'll have to explain to me why JJ and the Batman v Superman dude are credited as the writers...
That's the Lucasfilm story group, I think they were fired after Last Jedi?According to IMDB, the writers were JJ, Chris Terrios, Derek Connolly and Trevorrow
Maybe it's a mistake because I think those women are in charge for Lucasfilm nowadays
There are always a bunch of uncredited writers on a movie script, people are fired, shit get rewritten a bunch of times, origanl writers get mad about changes want their name taken off. Sometimes the movie only has one single scene or a character name left from the very first draft.
I remember Kevin Smith talking about the last Die Hard and 35 writers worked on that script including him and they only kept a single line of dialogue he wrote.
The point of the pic I think is the script was written by committee and the female execs kept sending it back over and over with notes for rewrites. 'Too much Luke and he's too awesome, movie is about Rey, nerf Luke'. 'Hes still cool, nerf him more'. Etc.
Obviously not Star Wars but this gives you an idea how it goes down.
My eyes rolled so hard when the ships were all equipped with planet destroying weapons.
This franchise is creatively bankrupt
What if they made ships with time destroying weapons. Like...they actually blow up time.
Someone call up Bob Iger for me.
Was it Wheel of Time that had the doomsday magic where if you nuked someone with it you also erased them from history? The harder you blasted them the further back they didn't exist.
A Deathstar with a history eraser beam that was going to target the Jedi homeworld so they would never exist would have been cool!
Something like related -
No, my idea is 100% original and I'm its original creator and I demand royalties for any use past, present and future.
Someone get me a lawyer, I got some litigating to do!
What if they made ships with time destroying weapons. Like...they actually blow up time.
Someone call up Bob Iger for me.
What positives came out of battlefield earth? Please list themedit - he's a little hard on himself calling Battlefield Earth one of the worst movies of all time. It's not. It's not even close. It's one of the most famous bad movies and having written one of those ain't all that bad. Battlefield Earth is memorable with some positives and is still memorable two decades later.