Looking at the entire SW series, I only enjoy like 4 of the 8 main movies at best. Rogue & Solo were both okay, so 6 of 10. 1-3 are garbage and 8 is the worst. 4-7 are enjoyable.
Looking at SW as a whole, the biggest issue for me is the story is so played out & basic by today's standards. Very little politics, twists, turns, etc. Everything is so vague and leaves too much to the imagination, or is already "figured out". The writers dumb it all down to the lowest common denominator, meaning they really don't try to explain anything, or have little reason to, or when they try to, it's so convoluted it makes zero sense, and smarter people end up making fan-theories that are 1000x better than what we get on screen.
SW should have some grand scale battles/wars at this point. Give me 1000s of units, multiple planets involved, more then 2 factions (why can't we have a 3rd, 4th, or more factions at this point? Like GoT in space). Give me a Helm's Deep or Minas Tirith battle in space. But we never get any of it. Instead it's a space soap opera... which has worked, and due to tech in the 70s is what they needed to do. Also, the longest SW film is Ep8 at 2.5 hours... yet it had the least amount of story. What an accomplishment. These films need to be at the 2.5-3hr range but give me some red meat, not stupid shit like destroying ships with hyperdrive, which could have solved so many problems already, not a space "chase" where the ships can't ever catch each other and seemingly don't move at all for 2 hours of movie, not casino planet bullshit, etc. Give me the personal drama but include a good 20minute+ awesome battle or multiple battles and political drama on multiple fronts.