Mr. Poopybutthole
accelerated movement was a common EU force power, it just hadn't been conceived for the OT and would have looked like shit back then anyway. There wouldn't be any point in showing it in a battle of force users since they presumably could both use it, and there weren't a lot of force user vs non force user fights in the movies. Recreating KOTOR style master speed spamming combat in live action would just look stupid.
The reason Yoda and Dooku/Palpatine mostly throw inanimate objects at each other is because only dark side powers allow you to use the force to directly cause harm to another living creature. Yoda is shown to be capable of directly blocking force lightning with his own mastery of the force once Palpatine resorts to it.
The reason Yoda and Dooku/Palpatine mostly throw inanimate objects at each other is because only dark side powers allow you to use the force to directly cause harm to another living creature. Yoda is shown to be capable of directly blocking force lightning with his own mastery of the force once Palpatine resorts to it.