i would be very surprised they kill off Lando. he is a protected class and after all the shit they took for killing everyone else off. i think lando might make it through. my god. they're already killing chewie, leia and c3po in this film. the only ones left from the OT are R2 and lando. will they go there and kill them all off? they arent even keeping the new disney SW people around. who the fuck will ever be interested after this shit is over?
he is a protected class
Everyone needs a father fig... welp.. RIP.He's not the only black dude in the galaxy anymore though.
They bleed them with evil, From Star Wars Vader June 2017
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View attachment 229724
i would be very surprised they kill off Lando. he is a protected class and after all the shit they took for killing everyone else off. i think lando might make it through. my god. they're already killing chewie, leia and c3po in this film. the only ones left from the OT are R2 and lando. will they go there and kill them all off? they arent even keeping the new disney SW people around. who the fuck will ever be interested after this shit is over?
So this is fucking stupid, just like all the new lore. The old (EU) explanation is in this link. The crystals are red because of all the negative energy in/around the Sith during the creation process.
This reminds me how much I loved Star Wars because of the old lore and how the new shit is pulled out of their ass and different just to be different. It is a real shame they destroyed something with 30 years of lore; even the bad stuff.
Everything BUT the movies is the Star Wars universe and advances it. The movies themselves merely shit it up on screen and expand nothing besides our own disdain for hollywood writers/directors and the executives that green light any of it.
Everything BUT the movies is the Star Wars universe and advances it. The movies themselves merely shit it up on screen and expand nothing besides our own disdain for hollywood writers/directors and the executives that green light any of it.
i would be very surprised they kill off Lando. he is a protected class and after all the shit they took for killing everyone else off. i think lando might make it through. my god. they're already killing chewie, leia and c3po in this film. the only ones left from the OT are R2 and lando. will they go there and kill them all off? they arent even keeping the new disney SW people around. who the fuck will ever be interested after this shit is over?
its all theatrics. the guy is literally RPing as an overlord from outerspace come to earth. you wanna see salty. go watch Mauler on youtube who made an 8 hour series of videos on how shitty TFA was....my lord that guy is salty.
I thought TLJ was lame for all the same reasons everyone else did but this is really stretching the hate a bit far. TFA was NOT that bad.