But was he wrong?its all theatrics. the guy is literally RPing as an overlord from outerspace come to earth. you wanna see salty. go watch Mauler on youtube who made an 8 hour series of videos on how shitty TFA was.
Who needs to train? All ya gotta do is find Luke and mind break a few rocks and you're Rey Dirt the most powerful Jedi in the Universe who's parents left her at the Space Grand Canyon.
That doesn't make any sense, and it contradicts everything that the actors themselves have said going back years. That Leia was supposed to be the focus for Last Jedi.
The Last Jedi was luke and it was supposed to be luke. The last one was supposed to prominently feature Fischer. Ford, Hamill, Fischer... they each got their own movie to hand off their torches to.
I mean sure... they could have been lying back when they were talking about it in the TFA hype... but they didn't start saying that #3 was supposed to be her movie after #2 and after she died. They were saying that in the buildup hype for TFA.
There are 6 million other things for kids to watch now, some old person bullshit aint gunna work. Relax on the Astro stuff. These movies are adventures, they are fun. We are just fucking jaded assholes and I want a star wars movie that cost about a billion dollars to make.I would have liked more fucking adventure and fun in these movies. These movies aren't fun. Which is likely why little kids don't give a fuck about them.
There are 6 million other things for kids to watch now, some old person bullshit aint gunna work. Relax on the Astro stuff. These movies are adventures, they are fun. We are just fucking jaded assholes and I want a star wars movie that cost about a billion dollars to make.
Rogue One was fucking amazing for exactly the last 4 and a half minutes. The kylo ren actor sucks fucking donkey balls. Add some other dude in there and its a very different few movies. Even with kylo being a gigantic faggot, there are a few good minutes in the last few movies with him. These movies arent for us anymore.
Get the fuck off my lawn, show me some cool shit, maybe pop a jedi nipple in some costume and call it a day.
These movies are adventures, they are fun. We are just fucking jaded assholes
their story was that Harrison Ford requested his character be killed off, because you know an actor can just tell a corporation how to handle their IP decisions. isnt that right Mark Hamill? you requested your character be killed off too?I mean I’m fairly certain that Kylo Ren is going to get a redemption ending where he sacrifices himself for team good guy.
But you know? Fuck that.
He killed his own fucking father. There’s no coming back from that. Especially when your father was one of the most lovable characters in the entire fucking franchise.
Even Darth Fucking Vader had enough soul to save his son. Dude obliterated planets, saves son.
Fuck Disney.
if they wanted him to be heroic, wouldnt they have shown him as not abandoning his family?In the case of Harrison Ford as it relates to Star Wars I think it might actually be true. He might have had that pull.
Being killed off might have been a stipulation for him agreeing to the project. It's not like the man needed to do it. And he hasn't been quiet about saying that he's always felt Solo should have died in ROTJ.
If I'm Ford, and they're asking me to do another Star Wars, and I'm like 80 years old, and I know this is one of the last movies i'll ever do and I know this movie directly relates to the success i've had in my entire damn life... Yeah, maybe I do say "I'll do it on one condition, and it's not about money". He wants that character to have a heroic death. And he got it, after a fashion.
The difference I see between Ford and Hamill is that Hamill wants to keep working. Ford does not give a single fuck.
I do remember interviews during the hype phase for TFA where they were talking about each of the actors got their own movie. They were using it to address why Ford was so prominent in the first and we saw so little of Fischer or Hamill. The message was "they get theirs too". It wasn't the main thrust of anything, but it was apparently always part of the plan for them each to feature in one of the movies. Math checks out, there's 3 of them and a trilogy was planned.
There are 6 million other things for kids to watch now, some old person bullshit aint gunna work. Relax on the Astro stuff. These movies are adventures, they are fun. We are just fucking jaded assholes and I want a star wars movie that cost about a billion dollars to make.
Rogue One was fucking amazing for exactly the last 4 and a half minutes. The kylo ren actor sucks fucking donkey balls. Add some other dude in there and its a very different few movies. Even with kylo being a gigantic faggot, there are a few good minutes in the last few movies with him. These movies arent for us anymore.
Get the fuck off my lawn, show me some cool shit, maybe pop a jedi nipple in some costume and call it a day.
i have to disagree, Solo initially only helped rescue Leia because there was a shitload of credits in it for him so he could pay off the bounty Jabba put on his head. it didnt end up that way though, he didnt take the credits and helped out the rebels for the entire trilogy. there was no point where he went rogue. he fell in love with Leia and did everything he could to help her and Luke out. he certainly wasnt going to abandon her and his son.that's part of Han Solo though, he's always been a rogue. They tried it, it didn't work out, as his final act he tried to reconcile and do right by his son... who then killed him.
I can see how that idea plays as heroic. He did redeem his failures, as much as he could. And he suffered them. It's not that he didn't make mistakes or have failures. He's describing people in an accurate way, there's truth in that character. It seems like that might actually be important to Ford. It's not that the character is King Arthur or Gilgamesh, but he absolutely never was.
I mean they could have turned Han Solo into some paragon of virtue.. but that would have been as awful as what they did to Luke.