What a clusterfuck~Right now as it stands, 3 separate cuts of the movie exist.
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What a clusterfuck~Right now as it stands, 3 separate cuts of the movie exist.
Their best strategy is to focus on the cartoons (Clone Wars/Rebels/etc), build a good following with the younger generation, then focus on making films that build on that. The cartoons have been the only well received Star Wars media over the past decade.
if thats what j00t meant by hating the charatcer, then thats not really hating the character, its him getting pissy about being typecasted by fans. cry me a fucking river there. shatner will always be kirk, nimoy will always be spock, hamill will always be Luke. Fisher, (not Fischer, Iannis) will always be Leia. those people didnt hate their roles, though im sure they all got annoyed at only being remembered for them. I'm sure Hugh Jackman is crying right now for only being known as wolverine. crying right to the bank .
Some more leaks
yeah, that one evil 4 armed jedi in the clone wars actually had two of them and i didn't mind it then either. i think the reason is that certain things look fine and dandy in cartoons and comics but as soon as you put them in live action it looks pants on head.I'll be damned. That stupid flip-saber they show Rey using in what we're all assuming is some kind of fakeout? That's not new, the temple guardian is using something very similar in Rebels when Ezra, Ahsoka, and Kanan return to the Jedi temple on Lothal. Except it didn't look retarded in Rebels and it looked absolutely terrible with Rey.
Yeah it's about 1:20 in. Because he actually flips it open in a way that looks not stupid.I'll be damned. That stupid flip-saber they show Rey using in what we're all assuming is some kind of fakeout? That's not new, the temple guardian is using something very similar in Rebels when Ezra, Ahsoka, and Kanan return to the Jedi temple on Lothal. Except it didn't look retarded in Rebels and it looked absolutely terrible with Rey.
Yeah it's about 1:20 in. Because he actually flips it open in a way that looks not stupid.
I won't say that I loved TFA, but I still think people would look at it a lot differently if TLJ wasn't such dogshit.I'm rewatching TFA because of Disney+.... Honestly I loved TFA despite Mary Sue, reboot, etc. However, it's almost amazing that literally every single thing that was remotely interesting that JJ Abrams setup, Johnson just shit all over. Like every single thing. Combine that with the stupidity of not keeping Leia dead when she was fucking dead in real life, it's so easy to see how Skywalker is going to be a huge, gigantic, steaming pile of shit.
they could do that with Guardians of the Galaxy, there was no sane reason to purchase Star Wars if they didnt want to continue the story. but amazingly thats exactly what they did. buy star wars so they could kill it. they even had an outline for a new trilogy, but threw it away and made shit up as they went along.They could stop making Skywalker and Vader films, and churn out instead 50 loosely related star wars films like Rogue One and create a whole extended star wars universe but nope: gotta keep fucking that dead tauntaun that Luke rode in on