I liked that one red headed general dude, I thoght he played a good part. Never liked the over the top pilot dude, didnt like the fat asian chick, the black dude is OK I guess but still over the top. The most liked for me was Del toro in that little cameo he had. lol.
Even Kylo is fucking gumpy looking and kinda forgettable as a bad guy. They could not get anyone else to play that part? He jsut seemed like a whiny ass spoiled kid, not as a powerful sith in the making.
I liked Ray though. Even though it felt odd how quickly she became this powerhouse without any training at all. Like the scene where shes using jedi mind tricks on troopers while shes locked up. I was like WTF is this shit? Then she proceeds to kick Kylos ass, who is almost a sith lord, like hes a nobody while first time holding a light saber? GTFO with this shit...