Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


<Gold Donor>
I am so back and forth on whether or not I am gonna see, as of yesterday there was 100% no fucking way. Today I am at like 20% maybe. I went back and read my reviews for Ep 7 and Ep 8 and I still stand by them, if anyone is curious the Ep 8 one is kinda funny if I do say so myself. Here they are...
What a bunch of jaded fucks!

This movie was awesome! Easily the best acted Star Wars movie to date and easily a 9/10 for me, every bit as good as Episode 4. My biggest complaint is that the theater was so full they were serving popcorn before it was fully popped, kernels man...lots of kernels. My other small complaint is Carrie Fisher's face, apparently there are bad face lifts in a galaxy far far away. You would think they could use a Bacta tank to help her not talk like there is an invisible staple through her lips.

I was honestly nervous about this film, growing up with the original 3 then suffering through the prequels I have had my dreams crushed before. This was a huge relief and honestly better than I expected.

Daisy Ridley is a star as well as Adam Driver! Boyega, Ford and Isaac are all great too.

  • I LOVED the opening line "This will make it right!" Basically saying sorry about the shitty prequels here ya go fanbois!
  • OBVIOUSLY Rey was trained in the force and had her mind wiped (probably by Luke). Those of you that want to complain about her story arc or her fight against Kylo are just looking for reasons to not like it, typical hipster fucks!
  • Kylo Ren was awesome and we finally got a believable whiny Skywalker (Solo). Adam Driver has some serious acting chops. I am very excited to see how his story progresses and how his struggle between light and dark ends.
  • Harrison Ford wanted out since Episode 5 and he finally got his wish. HIs scene with Kylo is pretty solid and I think it is a fitting way to see Solo go out.
  • Captain Phasma was underused BUT JJ explained that the script was written before they landed Gwendoline Christie, so it is understandable and I think we will see more from her later.
  • Prediction regarding Snoke is that he is much much smaller than that hologram, that felt very wizard of Oz to me. I also would not be shocked if we find out Snoke was Palps master that he had thought he left for dead.

I could go on and on but it is late and I need sleep. Great movie and I want to see it again, I have not said that about a movie in a long time.
I am so disappointed right now. This movie was almost prequel bad. I just can't believe the choices they made and how disjointed the first 30-40 minutes were.

Off the top of my head here are my biggest issues or at least the ones that made me groan...
  • There is no gravity in space, how the fuck did those bombs fall on the Dreadnaught?
  • Leia flying through space
  • Luke milking that Sea Cow Thing
  • Luke Spear Fishing
  • Chewie was just a throw away character
  • Benicio's characters speech tick
  • Why was Phasma even in this movie?
  • Yoda Force Ghost lightning???
  • The whole Speed Theme with the ships running out of fuel.
  • Poe showing zero remorse for getting all the Bomber Pilots killed
  • Poe's whole character
  • The reveal about Rey's Parents felt like misdirect and we don't know the real answer yet, either way it was lame
  • Thew lack of Origin Story for Snoke
  • Snoke going out the way he did... more on this below
  • The fight against the Praetorian Guards, let's broth kill 3 of the 4 we are fighting and struggle with the last one... WTF?
  • When did Jedi' become David Copperfields?
  • The HAMFISTED jokes every 5 minutes, less is more. If they cut out 5 or 6 of the jokes it would have been better.
  • Kylo & Rey deciding they had to fight it out with each other rather than talk just a little
  • Rose falling in love with Fin in less than 12 hours.
Overall it feels like whoever wrote this story line just binge watched the first 7 movies for the first time and then sat down and wrote a script, mising all the nuance of what makes Star Wars so cool.

Regarding Snoke, just like the last Dark Side Force Wielder that got cut in half I look forward his triumphant return in the next Disnet XD Star Wars Cartoon Series. I have no doubt that Snoke will WILL himself to live using the his hate only to team up with his long lost brother Supreme Cheeser Poke. We will actually get an Origin Story worthy of the character only to have him die in a similar fashion yet it will be more satisfying. I feel like my childhood truly died tonight...

EDITED: Spellling

EDIT: Fixed it, spoilers within spoilers was fucking shit up for some reason.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Sooooo I bit the bullet and saw this mess, the leaks turned out to be true.

One major detail they neglect to answer is what happened to the New Republic, you think wanna answer that? Everyone in the end was cheering and shit yet you got a government thats pretty much non existence and pretty much a power vacuum was created.

That calvary fleet of ships that showed up to help defeat Palpetine's fleet? Be a shame if they turn they guns on the rest of the Galaxy.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Can't imagine giving Disney money too watch this.

You guys are something special
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<Gold Donor>

Maybe? If all you're looking for is eye candy it may be passable.
Sorry for the off topic post guys, I have to educate a youngster on quality cinema.

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Silver Baronet of the Realm
on repeat viewings, i think you can skip tlj. but i think if you have no context for tlj, TROS comes across like a disjointed mess. i mean, it IS a disjointed mess, but it's that way specifically because of tlj.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I enjoyed it. It's Infinitely better than 8. Could have been even better if 8 wasn't a shit show.

Regarding Finns secret to Rey, force sensitivity is the most likely candidate, and there was a scene at the end where he "feels" it. Also talking to the other ex stormtroopers about how they just "felt" they couldn't kill.

I guess it's shaping up that a new sequel would bring a resurgence of force sensitive people. Also the kid at the end of ep8 and probably baby Yoda entering the scene.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
The inevitable Red Letter review will be the only thing of value this movie provides.
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Tranny Chaser
The inevitable Red Letter review will be the only thing of value this movie provides.

It says something that they went from recording a 4 A.M. review of The Force Awakens the moment they got home with from the earliest screening to upload it as fast as possible to not having a review up at all a couple of days after the release. They've continually rejected the "internet reviewers that shit on things" archetype to the point of trolling their own audience over calls for them to review whatever new Transformers movie just came out.

I expect they'll say the movie was alright but had problems. The vast bulk of their scorn is (properly) reserved for tearing apart the advertising machine and astroturf nerd culture podcasts and personalities. Shitting on the ecosystem has become far more their style than beating up the film itself.
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Molten Core Raider
It's fine, not good, but fine.

Very, very contrived though. Like the instant you think about the premise it falls apart like wet toilet paper.

It didn't really have a chance though. There was no blueprint before they started, with two guys with different visions. But even with that taken into consideration, it's super messy and poorly plotted.
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