Starfield - Fallout fallout that isn't ES6


Trakanon Raider
Yeah gonna echo the above. Mediocre game all the way through; lack of meaningful exploration in a Bethesda game probably the biggest fault. If I didn't get the deluxe edition free with my video card I probably wouldn't touch the DLC.
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Potato del Grande
One of those rare games that gets worse in your mind the more distance you have post playing.

So true. I did my time, but once I stopped playing I forgot the game even existed and then was disappointed when it would pop up being advertised with game pass.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
One of those rare games that gets worse in your mind the more distance you have post playing.
Yeah, it's not often I feel worse about a game after I quit playing but I would agree here. I think part of it was getting interested in the initial hook and only learning after some time of the shallowness of certain mechanics and the bland nature of the storytelling/characters. I didn't do many quests in the beginning of my playtime because I was busy getting skills and exploring but when I started to heavily spend my time on doing quests it really sunk in how shitty most were.

I actually enjoyed a lot of the planet exploration on a visual level because I thought the proc gen was really good in terms of making interesting planets. They just gave you absolutely zero reason to keep visiting them after you've seen every point of interest. If you could do some type of settlement system like fallout, but expanded, it would have been fun and made planet exploration meaningful in some way. Instead, it was mostly worse than fallout 4. They either needed a smaller number of handmade planets or to give you a way of having some kind of meaningful sandbox gameplay with the many worlds.

It was also dumb that every single goddamn planet in the universe had abandoned facilities but then no one lives on them now, except the occasional five person settlement. Almost no sense of finding something interesting or cool because you know if you don't have a quest for it it's just going to be the same thing you've already seen.

Ship building could have been great because it had some good elements but it was really user unfriendly in many ways.

I also hated how small the world felt. Nothing ever felt epic in this game. The capital city of a large federation looked like some backwater cowboy town.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I couldn't believe that every PoI was an exact copy / paste across every planet.

I mean, every single cave you went in to had the same layout, the same note, the same computer message. Each building you went in to, exact same again with no variation.

I couldn't believe it...they didn't even try to randomize the building layouts , loot, anything.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I couldn't believe that every PoI was an exact copy / paste across every planet.

I mean, every single cave you went in to had the same layout, the same note, the same computer message. Each building you went in to, exact same again with no variation.

I couldn't believe it...they didn't even try to randomize the building layouts , loot, anything.
Yeah, like why couldn't they have randomized layouts? I too was surprised when I learned it wasn't like that. It's not like their hand crafted versions were just so iconic and amazing. I mean, go all in and make it half a rogue-like or something along those lines.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It’s not surprising - Fallout had a lot of copy-paste interiors as well for random POI


<Silver Donator>
huh this is cool its almost a real game now

That a new patch that just came out the other day or got out of beta and I think it's been implemented a console that has a way better map system, and I think graphics for consoles are supposed to be infinitely better. I was actually playing it for an hour or two last night to check out the changes cuz I was halfway through my second playthrough but just kind of shelved it being busy.

It's not a perfect game, but I've got my enjoyment out of it and I'm glad to see that finally getting to what it should have been. I'm excited about the expansion whenever the hell it comes out later this year, and some of the news on different mods makes it look pretty promising. I don't think it's been abandoned, but I want to say the Creator pack or whatever just came out or is coming out very soon, so that should probably bare some fruit.


Avatar of War Slayer
Trailer for the DLC. Wonder if it's basically going to be another faction quest line, or bigger than that.

They are adding New Game+ Plus. Where choices don't matter and the points of interest are made up the same...
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<Silver Donator>
They are adding New Game+ Plus. Where choices don't matter and the points of interest are made up the same...
I must have missed that. I know after the trailer there were a few things that apparently they're implementing in the game today or tomorrow or whatever. I was doing a second playthrough, but got caught up with other stuff shelved it. I might go burn through the last bit for the expansion comes out.

I know people rag on the game, but I got a lot of enjoyment out of it, and I hope the additional stuff will be fun. Now there's a lot of pretty neat mods that have come out despite the scene not being as big as some of their other games. Had a pretty significant patch not too long ago that allows you to really toy with difficulty settings and things. Don't remember all the features but it's obviously stuff that should have been in the base game, but I guess better late than never.

I just liked building spaceships and running around. And I once they tweaked some of the engines settings, it's suddenly ran flawlessly for me, and that really made a big difference how much I was enjoying the game.


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Trakanon Raider
Wake me up when they remove or blend level loading into gameplay better. Completely inexcusable to take the player out of the character to warp when you could just play an animation or some shit like every other space game. Fucking retards.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Wake me up when they remove or blend level loading into gameplay better. Completely inexcusable to take the player out of the character to warp when you could just play an animation or some shit like every other space game. Fucking retards.
For me it's ladders. Even though I was a retard and bought the season pass for the Game Pass version, I won't even consider touching the game again if they haven't fixed ship ladder placement.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Theyre calling it an expansion, not a DLC. That matters.. at least to me. Because when I think of this company and DLC in the same thought, I think of a 40 dollar price tag for 20 minutes worth of content. Now if this "expansion" actually adds a girth* of content, Ill be impressed. But I seriously doubt its going to fix all that loading. So GD frustrating to have a top of line PC and still have to load every fucking time I turned around.
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Trakanon Raider
I enjoyed the initial release of Starfield for what it was, despite the many flaws. I have zero interest in an expansion or DLC though, unless it is 100% new stuff it would involve going through old stuff to get to it, and that's not happening.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I won't pay a dime for anything until people compare starfields recovery with no mans sky.

And if they don't invest in starfield enough to make it respectable, good luck convincing me (who has played all five elder scrolls) into buying TES6 without good reviews.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Just a symptom of the mass amount of retards that have no self control and but it up. Been talked about on mobile games, even if only 1% are whales, the retards that are will drop hundreds or thousands on a game before moving on to the next money pit
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