I don't think there are even 100 PC games in existence I'd want to playMy wishlist is 100 items and I mayyyyyyyyyyybbbeee will get 4-5 of them, and that mostly because of gift card money I got. Almost definitely getting Talos Principle, Dungeon Warfare, Satellite Reign, and Just Get Through, but all those are at historic lows anyway.
Witcher 3, Shadow of Mordor, or Dragon Age? Haven't really played anything major in the past year or so.
W3 -> DA:I ->SoM, like Vorph said.TW3 >>>>>>> DA:I >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SoM
So you didn't get the updated version, scholar of the first sin?So apparently there's two releases of Dark Souls II, a friend had DS2 on his wish list but owned the upgraded DX11 version which apparently doesn't display as owning Dark Souls II. My mistake and FROM Software's shitty business practices are your gain, toss me a PM with your email address first one to do so gets it. This is NOT the 64 bit/graphics updated release however it does contain the following:
DARK SOULST II Crown of the Ivory King
DARK SOULST II Crown of the Old Iron King
DARK SOULST II Crown of the Sunken King
Haha, I kinda felt like the post was a bit redundant but hey better to be clearSo you didn't get the updated version, scholar of the first sin?