

You're right, the big question is whether or not the steambox can run current games. Maybe Valve can push hard enough and make a convincing case to developers to publish on their platform but that'll be a very tough sell.
Why would it be a tough sell? Most games are built for it right now.

The old games that are DirectX only can't be changed. New games are OpenGL and will work on SteamOS with little to no changes.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Why would it be a tough sell? Most games are built for it right now.
Do you have a list of games built in dx vs opengl for this year? My understanding was that most games use dx. The first two games I looked up, BF4 and CoD:Black Ops2 use dx.


Yeah , I've got to say , most newer PC games I've played lately and see coming up are DX and not open gl , am sure there are some, but the majority seems heavily DX.



It's not sorted by year but it seems like there's only a few 2013 games there.
Yeah but I am seeing benchmarks that say OpenGL and then some that don't so I am having a hard time.

I could be wrong about "most games are built for it now" but after SteamOS you can definitely bet your sweet fist up in the air that they will be. When this goes live you can consider DX dead.

Once more again, DX works just fine on linux.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
It's not trivial to write an OpenGL wrapper for a DX game, but it's not particularly hard either. It's been done for many games.

It's also not that hard to add OpenGL support natively to a game. DX is just a library of APIs. It's not a whole language onto itself.

I think a lot of people in this thread seem to be misunderstanding what an API actually is. DX is basically a communications layer between the program and Windows Driver Foundation. If you're going to be communicating with a different OS, you're going to be using a different communications layer anyway. It's not a big deal, there just has to be an impetus for developers to do it.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Yeah but I am seeing benchmarks that say OpenGL and then some that don't so I am having a hard time.

I could be wrong about "most games are built for it now" but after SteamOS you can definitely bet your sweet fist up in the air that they will be. When this goes live you can consider DX dead.

Once more again, DX works just fine on linux.
I hope you're right but I disagree with your prediction. If Steambox can't play today's dx games it's going to be monumentally difficult for it to accrue a userbase and if it has no userbase then developers won't switch to opengl just for it.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
It's not trivial to write an OpenGL wrapper for a DX game, but it's not particularly hard either. It's been done for many games.

It's also not that hard to add OpenGL support natively to a game. DX is just a library of APIs. It's not a whole language onto itself.

I think a lot of people in this thread seem to be misunderstanding what an API actually is.
I've only created some dx and opengl applications, what have you built for opengl and dx or ported from dx to opengl?


I hope you're right but I disagree with your prediction. If Steambox can't play today's dx games it's going to be monumentally difficult for it to accrue a userbase and if it has no userbase then developers won't switch to opengl just for it.
You are saying that Steam has no user base to make games for????


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Steam does. Steam games need to be SteamOS compatible in order for Valve to put them on Steam. Not a single AAA developer will bat an eye.
Oh yeah? I must have missed that part. If you're talking about this quote:

steamos_sl said:
Hundreds of great games are already running natively on SteamOS. Watch for announcements in the coming weeks about all the AAA titles coming natively to SteamOS in 2014. Access the full Steam catalog of nearly 3000 games and desktop software titles via in-home streaming.
We'll have to disagree about the meaning. I don't really want to have a semantics argument with someone who chose not to switch doors after the host opened one door to a goat but this to me says you can:
1. Use in home streaming to stream whatever game from some windows machine to your TV steam box.
2. Play current games that are natively running on SteamOS.
3. Some AAA games will be announced (HL3 confirmed) that run natively on SteamOS.

This does not say "All future games in the steam library will run natively on SteamOS."


It doesn't because they can't guarantee all AAA games on Steam to begin with and who knows, some developer out there will refuse to, until they see everyone else making cash, hand over fist.

Remember nobody liked or wanted to be on Steam to begin with.


Trump's Staff
It doesn't because they can't guarantee all AAA games on Steam to begin with
Yes they can, do you not understand how streaming works? The host computer does all the calculations and sends data to the client running SteamOS. Exactly how Gaikai / OnLive works. It's not a difficult concept and they'll be able to implement it across your entire game library without devs needing to update any game code. This doesn't mean that all games in the future will be SteamOS native. If you think Valve is going to force developers to create native SteamOS games then you are only proving yourself to be a slightly functional retard.


Yes they can, do you not understand how streaming works? The host computer does all the calculations and sends data to the client running SteamOS. Exactly how Gaikai / OnLive works. It's not a difficult concept and they'll be able to implement it across your entire game library without devs needing to update any game code. This doesn't mean that all games in the future will be SteamOS native. If you think Valve is going to force developers to create native SteamOS games then you are only proving yourself to be a slightly functional retard.
I don't think you read it. They can't guarantee all AAA titles to be SteamOS compatible without every developer agreeing ahead of time.

How would them forcing developers creative native SteamOS games be retarded? They already force things as it is.


So a year from now instead of booting windows I'll be booting SteamOS on my gaming-pc and only use Windows for actual work and old games?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I don't know what the exact number is either, but that list is extremely small. Every ps3, wii, wiiu, ds, vita, etc game uses openGL(or sometimes an in house or oddball API).

Almost every indie game uses OpenGL, every android and iPhone game uses OpenGL.

As I said above, the only place you see dx is AAA titles, a couple oddballs, and and 360 games.

The amount of OpenGL games dwarfs dx, we're just out of the loop as high end pc gamers, where its pretty much the only major place it's still used outside 360.
First I'm mostly concerned about AAA games (Even though I play a ton of indie games we're talking market acceptance here). Second I would argue that games that run on opengl but not on any PC don't support opengl in the perspective we're referencing. If you're telling me that I can run Red Dead Redemption, Demon Souls and Uncharted on my steambox then shut up and take my money.