I have absolutely no idea how you are supposed to expand in the early-middle game with this not working the way it does right now.
Oh well. I am almost done with my first game. The Scourge (Stellaris Zerg) invaded my galaxy, pushed me back and lost four planets to them. Then pushed back at them only to discover that it is currently bugged and you cannot exterminate them from a planet. They are not sure when this will be 'patched', so I downloaded a mod that does it.
Anyways, the Scourge have their capital and three other planets left, out of about 15 planets previously and then suddenly, one of the super advanced races demands that I stop attacking the Zerg. Wat.jpg.
So I back off, as I am not ready to fight them. The Scourge slowly retake the territories I was forced to abandon on my quest to purge them. I shift all of my focus from research to Energy Credits, triple the size of my fleets from one at 20k and one at 15k to a 40k, a 35k and a 30k. Then I go and stomp the heads in of the giant space llamas that made me stop my crusade. Fallen Empire? Pffft! Tachyon lances and point defense nomnomnom.
Cleaning them up, then there is a second Fallen Empire, space cockroaches with a giant arse ringworld around a sun. They only have the one system, so once the Scourge are gone, I will destroy them and return to pacifying the remaining populations to the empire of Rimelandia.