Damn, a ton of you guys are still bitter about your highschool crushes. Of course the chick stayed with Steve, no way it would have played out another way irl, and it would have been lame as hell if she'd done the whole "dump the jock to hook up with the highschool loser once she sees his sensitive side" BS. Steve wasn't even that bad a guy, I kept expecting the to play into the usual tropes about jerky popular HS boyfriends, but I was pleasantly surprised when they toed the line and gave him a much more sympathetic and nuanced depiction.
Black kid was annoying as fuck, dunno why his character bothered me so much, liked him better towards the end.
I felt the same - I think it's because they didn't do enough (anything, really) to establish that his dislike of El is based on his jealousy over her taking up all of Mike's attention, so it just seemed like he was being a jerk for no reason, which felt like shoddy writing. Once Mike had that convo with Dustin where they discuss it I started to sympathize, I had an "ohhh" moment and liked him a lot more afterwards.
Anyway just finished the show and I fucking loved it - even as someone who was born in '89 and has zero 80's nostalgia. There were a few small things that bugged me, but the only really big one was the ending, the way it felt so tacked on as a lead in to a second season.
This is the kind of show which imo should really just stand on it's own, I don't see how a second season could possibly work out, especially if they try and set it in the near future with the same characters. If they try and American Horror Story/True Detective approach it might work out, although even that's a stretch.
Anyway, I was amazed by how well the kids carried the show - the fact that it was so focused on kids is part of why I wasn't interested immediately, but other than one or two groanworthy moments they fucking nailed it.
We really are living in an amazing time for television.