IndeedBest Superbowl commercial goes to Stranger Things Season 2.
Seriously so many fucking Verizon and Google Home commercials..
RIP Earth, welcome Queen Amygdala
shit plot, way too many cliches, pure nostalgia = stranger things
all that anticipation build up for a climax and resolution that left me wholly unsatisfied. great soundtrack and callbacks though to 80s music, style and TV
Why do you hate life and good things, Broysar?
Super Bowl commercial made me binge watch this show (I don't really watch anything ever these days), show was fucking amazing. So much 80s, so good. The monster pushing through the wall totally reminded me of Ghostbusters (yes, that is the version of that horror cliche that stands out the most to me), and lo and behold, the kids are dressed as Ghostbusters in Season 2. Also, noticed that Will doesn't seem to be in any of the group shots in that trailer for S2.... that bodes ill.
wrong movie, that was nightmare on elm street.
Steam Workshop :: Stranger Things SoundtrackThat fucking music gets me hyped. Definitely in for Season 2. I think it might be hard to replicate the fun of 1 but I'm up for it.
come on man, that was like every kid movie/book trope being mashed just into one giant pile of shit
Finally have a release date October 27
Goddamn this year has flown by.