I was thinking about it last night, and whats strange is earlier in the season I was kind of opposed to Ken fucking the deal, but after he showed he is the only one who is remotely capable of running the company, he won me over.
I like Tom too, but I just hate the ending. The only reason it even remotely makes sense is I could see Logan fucking over Ken and giving it to Tom. But other than that, Shivs behavior at the end felt fake and ruined everything they built up during the last 4 years.
Is the show really about Tom? If it is then...ok, I guess. I couldnt even watch the rest of the episode after Shiv backs out. It was probably 25 min left and I didnt even watch to see what happened.
next to "doubling down on a mistake" in the dictionary is a framed screenshot of this tweet. Kudos.
You aren't meant to expect a "happy" ending with your favourite Roy child "succeeding" Logan. Not only is Kendall a killer, just a few eps ago it showed him knowingly/deliberately prematurely calling an election for a "Fascist" in order to secure leverage over that candidate. Now, you can reasonably say "well accusations of Fascism mean nothing IRL, so why should I believe Mencken is actually a Fascist" and I would 100% agree with you that he's probably just to the Right of Antifa. BUT, the fact that Mencken backstabbed the Roys after they called it for him shows that their business acumen and ability to wield influence like Logan is SUB PAR.
Edit* the show also told/showed you that Kendall's daughter was concerned about Menckens victory enabling bullies. Again, you can doubt the veracity of those concerns, but Kendall still went with Mencken. All of the above reinforces the message that none of the Logan kids are suitable to succeed.
The only person that has truly "won" is Matsson, who got the deal he wanted past the board, past regulatory and was able to install a puppet yes man as CEO.
Tom has the prestige of being CEO and more power than he had previously, and may be able to leverage his CEO experience into another upwards move, but he's still in a cuck, loveless marriage.
All three/four Logan children still made billions from the deal so they haven't truly lost. But none of them got what they truly wanted/desired. The theme of the whole show isn't really about "succession" but how everyone underneath Logan - be it wives, ex wives, kids, children in law, is trying to advance their own position at the expense of everyone else. Even Wila, who married into money and was open about it didn't get the outcome she wanted - which was Connor being an overseas diplomat whilst she stayed in NYC