Same way they do in every ensemble cast forever?So how are they going to cram in origin stories/scenes for 6? different characters and then have something that resembles a coherent plot?
They did a origin story for batman in BvS.Same way they do in every ensemble cast forever?
This mis conception you need an orgin story for everyone is silly.
Might want to check The Wolf of Wall Street.Weird seeing that Australian soap actress as Harley, not seen her in a movie yet.
What? His last few movies have been shit but he definitely is a huge name in Hollywood. I don't think he's a draw to this movies demographic, but him and Leto will draw in the average viewer maybe. He's by far the biggest name in this movie, so you can't fault them for pushing him. And he doesn't look bad at all in this. Seems like they controlled his Will SmithnessWhoever put that trailer together thinks Will Smith is a bigger star than he is.
Harley Quinn is mega popular and she looks very well written. Chance that she steals the entire movie is 100%. When the cash for this starts rolling in the suits will be green lighting a Harley stand alone project while screaming WHY DIDN'T ANY OF YOU TELL US HOW BIG THAT CHARACTER IS at all the interns.
You know Affleck does make an appearance in this movie right? He's not in the main lineup but still ...He's by far the biggest name in this movie, so you can't fault them for pushing him.
Currently, yeah.You think Ben Affleck is a bigger name than Will Smith?
For me it looks like the opposite. He's just very obviously Will Smith. He's even got the titular line in one of the other trailers.Seems like they controlled his Will Smithness