Summoner's War - Sky Arena


Golden Knight of the Realm
You really should join line for chat Arch. As it is, you've been added to defense and you will be warring this week. Prepare your butthole.


Trakanon Raider
Anyone still playing this? I started 6 weeks ago, still trying to get Bella so i can start trying to push higher GBx. Also vaguely working on getting Veromos while levelling random decent farmable mons like bernard colleen and the wind PF i got from a scroll.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I started playing this a few months ago. I'm almost done my first battle team; hopefully have it done in a few weeks.

Bernard, Bella, Vero, Berreta, Shannon


Golden Squire
Bunch of us are semi-active (I'm more on the semi side) if you send Aevry a message in line chat that's where we usually lurk.

Just make sure you tell him it's for summoners war as well else you'll join the other chat with the current FoTM which is Ark.


Mobile Game Hunter
You mean Ark - Pooping evolved!

Guild has around 20ish active right now. Rerolled in game. We do most of our chatting in Line.


Trakanon Raider
Picked up Bella yesterday.. what a difference.. immediately awakened and put some decent +6 runes on her and already i can push harder content than i could even though she's still only 3*


Golden Knight of the Realm
As Aevry stated our in-game guild is Rerolled, however we only currently have one open spot thanks to the 30 member limit. I would recommend you guys join a lower level guild since you're still in early game and we finish high in Guardian 1 for guild wars (#108 last week). Lots of good information is available in our Line chat, if you're gonna play the game for a while I would highly recommend you join up.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I started playing this again after a long hiatus. Was happy to see that my 6* fully skilled water kung fu girl is pretty good now.


Trakanon Raider
I started playing again after a long time away. Was happy to see I still never get good runes, and despite getting a ton of good nat 5's none of them are helpful to me!


Trakanon Raider
Maybe I should clarify... They're obviously functional in a specific role, but they don't help the progressions I'm currently aiming towards ( Being able to S+ the new raid, raid 5 etc). I pulled Wind MK, which is great and all but doesn't really crush either of those goals. Also pulled fire polar queen (damnit why couldn't you be water). I just 6'd the wind MK cause I think having wind/fire/chasun/someone as my AD will be obnoxious and fun. Maybe throw chloe in there.


Golden Squire
Hey guys, I started playing this a couple of weeks ago when I got bored of SoulKing. I founded a guild on global a couple of days ago called CleverName, and we're planning on giving guild battles a go next week (the plan is to put up shitty defenses and drop rank to be able to start farming some guild points). We're currently at 21/30 members and I'm still figuring shit out so there's no requirements at the moment, if anyone wants to join us you're more than welcome.

EDIT: as we're filling up fast (23/30 now lol) drop a line here if you applied with your IGN so I know you're someone from rerolled. I'll keep a couple guild spots open in the following days just in case.


Trakanon Raider
Honestly never messed with guild battles in this game at all but you can throw me an invite if you want. I've got pretty solid mons - Flufffymoose IGN.

PS - anyone that's been playing awhile have good raid team support reps? I've been running a lot of raids lately with my buddy and we always run out of supports that can do R3+

Edit: my support team can handle R3 easily and if you've got a beast team probably R4. Also my solo rep can farm Chiruka Hell


Golden Knight of the Realm
We utilize Line chat for almost all of our SW discussions and there are a lot of people in there that have Raid support teams that can clear R5. Send a request to Aevry on Line if you're interested. Our Rerolled guild also has a few open slots but keep in mind that we are a very high G1 (sometimes G2/3) guild (currently ranked #154 were as high as #43 this week) so having a nice stable of monsters fitted with some decent runes is almost a must.

I also have some room on my friends list so shoot me a request, in game name is same as here. Please mention your in game name here so I know to accept and not just let you sit there like I do with all the randoms.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Will shoot you a friend request. Name is likewise the same as it is on here.

Pulled a Lushen last night, feels good.


Golden Squire
We utilize Line chat for almost all of our SW discussions and there are a lot of people in there that have Raid support teams that can clear R5. Send a request to Aevry on Line if you're interested. Our Rerolled guild also has a few open slots but keep in mind that we are a very high G1 (sometimes G2/3) guild (currently ranked #154 were as high as #43 this week) so having a nice stable of monsters fitted with some decent runes is almost a must.

I also have some room on my friends list so shoot me a request, in game name is same as here. Please mention your in game name here so I know to accept and not just let you sit there like I do with all the randoms.

Cool, I'll install Line.

That was the reason for making the guild actually, because I'm still early game (working on Vero fusion, have a bunch of 5 stars for giants ie Bernard/Shannon/Bella and a Teshar) and it'll probably take me some months (or more haha) before I'm up to your level.

Ironically, this is also the reason I like this game more than SoulKings, because I can't make one team to cheese all the content (like Edward/Sebinas/Piet/Hekate).


Golden Knight of the Realm
Accepted. Also added you to the Guild War Offense team. We battle twice daily, I try to start the wars around 8ish am/ 8ish pm, and you'll need to set a GW defense so I can add you to the defense roster.