This has nothing to do with the show, I think you are looking for the gamergate thread.Chicago Tribune writer bitching about calling women "girls"When women call themselves the G-word - Chicago Tribune
Only going by this video, this looks terrible. Seriously?Trailer for season 1 looks pretty good actually...
Yeah the pilot felt like forever ago. I was wondering if there was any changes.Hes probly asking if they made any changes to the leaked version. I'll probly watch it later
QFT. And she actually made facial expressions other than when one is having problems excreting.This show has more of a Superman feel than Man of Steel did.
Pretty much the same for me. Gotta keep her safe! FFS she is Supergirl, not much out there to harm her... But regular ole humans will keep her safe!I like it.
One thing I dislike is that everyone and their grandma seem to know who she is. But Clark remains secret somehow!
saw pictures of him a couple months back and thought he looked great for a TV show or atleast better than Apocalypse. Hopefully he shows up often and not a one time dealHmph, looks like they have Red Tornado in this for our Young Justice watchers.
They are clean nuts though, so I've got that going for me.I don't doubt you have no stamina in bed, you pussy.