All this faggotry aside, I really liked the pilot. It was surprisingly well done and interesting enough for both men and women I think. It is already substantially better than Gotham.
Sure it has some typical comic book dumbness to it, but given the source material I think they did a pretty good job. It isn't like we can't nitpick stuff about other shows, and compared to Smallville this is almost a work of art. Many of us watched that show for ten damn seasons. And at least this isn't Sex in the City with a cape. Sister storyline was dumb but on par with most comics, and she's hot, so as long as the drama was limited to this episode, great.
Couple of comments/questions regarding non-spoilers or things shown in the trailer:
1) I'm a little surprised that she shared her secret with the dude that is obviously in love with her that she can't possibly have worked with for more than a couple of years. I don't even remember his name, that's how big of a character he was. Hell, in a place like that, that dude is more likely to sell her out to Cat than keep her secret. Anyone else get the feeling that they might have originally written his character as gay, and then added some lines to make him not? Would have made more sense because they might have been BFFs instead of just coworkers. Or maybe I just see gay everywhere, fabulous!
2) I never realized the Kara/Carol Danvers similarity (mostly because I haven't read much about Supergirl to even know that was her name) until I heard people saying it repeatedly. Anyone know who copied from whom?
3) Calista Flockhart should have been cast as an evil alien, because she looks fucking weird to me. Always has, but more so now that she's getting older. Seriously, stare at her for awhile when she's on screen, it is freaky!
Anyway, repeating that I really liked this and was pleasantly surprised. Just enough of her trying to live up to her heritage and step out of Superman's shadow for girls to sympathize, but not too much to turn off people (guys) that don't care. I felt the effects were pretty well done considering it isn't Agents of SHIELD with Disney "LOL Money Hats" money behind it. I will definitely be adding this to my lineup in the fall, hopefully it continues to deliver at least as much as the pilot did.