The engine is entirely responsible for the retarded jumping / midair movement system, wall clipping, their graphical rendering decisions, etc etc.
Looking at full body hair gel wookies or other aliens with glued unmoving bodies with no animation whatsoever kind of kills any zoomed in immersion.
The issue is that they seemingly just used the default settings for that engine for a GOOD portion of the game. The things I mentioned have NOTHING to do with the engine and everything to do with a lazy / inept development team.
I can't speak to textures (the wookie thing) but animations were changeable. The fact that they had any animations means that idle animations and animations cycles were available for them to use. The issue, as I said above, is that they seemingly used "default" (Obviously not default only, they put SOME work into it not going to completely toss them under the bus) for most things which resulted in a very "phoned in" feel on the game.
- Vendors would render in at a distance with the typical "Spread eagle" look with arms raised, Changeable. . .
- NPCs having very few idle animations which they cycle through, changeable. . .
- Player jumping animation, changeable. . .
- Physics of jumping (Time in air, movement in air), not sure, I would assume changeable.
- Length of time between initial render of character and shift to proper animation state? Not likely changeable.
- Certain effects on textures (projected textures, lighting effects, QoL visual appearance type things..ect)? Not likely changeable.
The issue is that each of these things requires development time and development time is money. Lets be honest here it isn't like they had hundreds of millions of dollars to spend on development (LOL I KID IT SARCASM! -_- ).
Mainly their fuckup is a company one based on a myriad of bad decisions such as: choosing to go with the Hero engine, lack of management oversight on QA passes, lack of clear communication between company and player base and the, honestly is just my personal feelings on the matter, lack of plain just giving a fuck about the quality they are putting on the table.
We all saw the tattoos, the hype, the dev-blogs that raved about how great the game was, the journalists that played the beta and GUSHED..ect. The zones that were unfinished were never play-tested in beta weekends for people to see the final state of things and even if they were allowed to "see the state" I am pretty sure most people would assume that the pre-release patch would likely close a lot of issues because that is what a seasoned game company does!
The game felt like a grad project that was finished on the week it was due. The popular frat guy got a million of his friends together that could do audio work, got recordings done and then phoned in the rest of the game after paying a couple "art-fags" to "do some star wars drawings lolol" and then cashed in.
Lets put it this way.
Would you blame the car OR the team if a team brought a solar vehicle to a drag race and it lost.
"But you can't put a massive engine into a solar vehicle!" is basically the same argument as "You can't change the hero engine in a meaningful way!"
It isn't the cars fault it is a solar vehicle in a drag race.
I'd blame the team, their decision, their responsibility.