I think the BH was pretty good up to the great hunt and just fell down a cliff...I can't remember too much of the third act.The Agent storyline is the best in the game in my opinion. Bounty Hunter being the worst.
That and 1m credits (which honestly isn't that hard to get, just mind numbing and tedious since the quickest route is dailies).How the fuck do you unlock that fleabag? All I saw was Cartel Market shit for it.
Like any MMO only if you're playing with friends. The game is VERY solo friendly but you'll deal with tons of idiots PUGing endgame ops/raids and getting geared let alone 1500 rating pvp would be a serious headache. That said, it's very easy to join guilds in this game and work your way up. But prepared to deal with the dregs of neckbeards who have worse mentalities than even WoW players.End game any better than what it was at release? Or should the game primarily be treated as a great play through from 1-55, and nothing more? Appreciate the future feedback
The end game is pretty casual friendly aside from the nightmare modes, the top tier raids now are pretty forgiving. The raids all and all are pretty fun IMO, and I personally love the pvp still, like MMO's if you have a fun crew to play with its funEnd game any better than what it was at release? Or should the game primarily be treated as a great play through from 1-55, and nothing more? Appreciate the future feedback
If they let me fit my home a la Twi'lek strip joints, I'll consider resubscribing.Player housing coming... soonish? I've heard guesstimates ranging from April to June.
Dromas Kas (sp) for Empire. Korriban is only for Sith/force users. But I imagine they will roll out the other planets one by one. They've become good at milking the cartel coins. I've even dumped about 60 bucks on packs the past two months.If the house let me port to anywhere in the world......okay....maybe. But fuck the amount of zoning required in this game. Even w/ a good comp it becomes arduous. From the looks of it, housing probably take place on core worlds? So Korriban and Coruscant? Fuck that. Better have GTN, and primary Daily/Weekly terminals IN-fucking-SIDE.