I played sith warrior first and it just felt, idk, hand crafted? is that the right way to explain it? Like they have the level/world builders building these different planets/quest hubs, and the warrior had a unique reason to visit each one, interspersed between meet ups and follow ups and etc, going back and forth between various worlds you'd previously visited, etc.
I know it was basically just a carbon copy of Darth Vader's storyline in this setting, but it felt like they wrote the story first and then built the worlds to fit that story. Obviously this isn't how they did it of course, but the way they wrote the story it made itfeellike they did. All the other classes i've played so far (Inquisitor, consular, trooper, bounty hunter, agent), some being good some being bad based on the writing, it seems like their stories were basically just pigeon holed in to fit the worlds created for the warrior storyline. So it's like, "we need a reason for class X to visit these 4 planets, Inquisitor is hunting down relics and shit, there are 4 they are on planets 1, 2, 3, 4. Agent, you are hunting down terrorists, they are on planets 1, 2, 3, 4; Bounty Hunter, man this story just writes itself really etc etc etc"
I'm playing a jedi knight now and yeah, this is just the luke skywalker story, I get that, but it too feels like it was hand crafted for the republic side. And the other republic classes are forced to fit it. ok for trooper he's hunting down traitors from his unit, there are 4 and they are on planet 1, 2, 3, 4, consular there are 4 jedi masters who are being mind controlled, they are, you guessed it, on planets 1, 2, 3, 4. etc
Idk, it just seems like they just phoned it in for the other classes, atleast as far as the first couple of Acts are concerned. I've only done Warrior, Inquisitor, and trooper so far to 60, but they just seem so damn predictable it seems kinda pointless to continue them. Especially agent. ppl were all like "omg wait for the twist!" and i'm like, what twist? that Act 1 "twist" was so damn obvious from like level 8.