I can only speculate, but I'm sure many many people who aren't suffering from GD have been diagnosed with GD and put on HRT, yeah. Shrinks and doctors are in a pickle; they don't want to be pegged transphobic and/or deal with a civil suit, yet they may feel the same as we do on the topic... that a good percentage are in it for the moment. A handful of unpassable douches I've met on KiK are groaning at not being prescribed HRT. When I asked why they said they don't know. One person responded "My doctor is a bigot". Rofl... riiiiight. Being a bigot to a tranny is the same as "
the man" to a dindu... it's not my fault I'm an unpassable that gets misgendered; it's a buncha bigots out there.
It's really difficult to accurately answer your second question because it's akin to figuring out the real deal vs. poseurs. This genuine vs. fake concept extends to a plethora of things: deadhead vs. tye-dye Larry / gamer vs. titty-gamer-girl / og vs. wigger / musician vs. "I play guitar!" guy / bellylaugh vs. Jimmy Fallon --- It's kinda like... we all sense it, but how can you be sure? A lot of the non-binary don't want HRT anyway so there's nothing to diagnose or be confirmed with, so that's good.
I think suffering from GD is the biggest indicator of a transsexual. How to isolate *that* from other issues? I wish I had the answer, I truly do! What's interesting, for me personally, is that I had GD but wasn't depressed. I think that is a fundamental reason my shrink wrote my recommendation letter much sooner than most other patients (less than 3 months... this was 5 years ago tho, so shit may have changed?). He knew I hated crossdressing, he knew I wasn't just using this as a means of coping with other issues in my life... I was actually scared shitless being on this path vs. "ohh yay, a new shade of fingernail polish!". Tanoomba, I just don't know what the answer is, sadly... fact is that people still fool doctors today with getting adderall prescribed to them just to sell it.
Next time I see my endo, I'll actually ask him about all of this... I don't have insurance now having lost my job about 9 months ago so it may be awhile
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Buncha unpassable trannies everywhere... it was sad, yes. The majority of us are. Reddit posts are skewed toward passable because
they're the ones who have the guts to post for validation and such. Most passables tend to not be advocates or involved and simply blend it to the community. Who can blame them?