I've only been doing my job for the past 3 months - but the motorcycle wrecks I've covered is maybe 20? 25? Not all were fatal, but these guys are rarely luck enough to only have road rash. A black lady veered in on a bike and clipped his front wheel. He laid the bike down, and got wedged up under another car in oncoming traffic. His foot had to be amputated, long story short. The speed limit was only 35, and the lady never stopped. Classic hit and run.
Point being, you have a kid on the way and it's very rare that a long term biker hasn't had at least one wreck. You might not die, but being some sort of cripple isn't going to be the best thing for your child either. I was stupid on my bike and should probably be dead in a ditch. But selling my bike was probably the smartest thing I've ever had to do.