Ssraeszha Raider
It's a private university owned by the LDS church. About half my family went there, and my dad actually works there. It is fun to poke fun at them though. Last year I was doing an internship in DC through my school (University of Utah), and there was a contingent of students from BYU as well. They had an official chaperone they had to report to every day, and they couldn't stay out past 10pm.I just looked it up, is this shit for real? A college like that wouldn't last a year here in the Netherlands. Fill out some paperwork in order to be allowed to grow a beard? If I didn't read that on
the website itself, I would have thought it was a joke. Who cares what you look like and what you do. As long as you pay your schoolmoney and get good enough grades, who is a fucking Uni to tell you to attend to church. 'Murica!
Chastity also? Didn't realise we still live in the middle ages lol