Why would you want the world populated with jocks? Athletes do not spend their lives researching mechanism of disease or productive scientific discoveries.I've always felt that someone should pass out free condoms in the olympic village that are riddled with holes. Because the gene pool needs all the help it can get.
Why would you want the world populated with jocks? Athletes do not spend their lives researching mechanism of disease or productive scientific discoveries.
Just some of the atheles:Have you heard some of the interviews of these athletes? Please don't let them reproduce any more than they do already.
That....is just hilarious.Yeah, fucking Olympics. This is the kind of people you want breeding more? So stupid as to push a cat to a target in the ice?
You have people literally at the top tier of physical fitness in the world. The amount of time, dedication, and work that you have to put in to be THAT good is a display of willpower that could easily be redirected towards any kind of exercise in mental acuity. Pigeonholing all olympic athletes under the "jock" category speaks of someone who was picked on too much as a child, and never got over it.
No one will bite.Reducing scientific advances and the brilliant minds that drive it to some mere trip to the fitness center speaks volumes of your lack of cognitive capacity. How many Nobel laureates in science were top athletes again? Nice try, jock.