The Animated GIF Thread


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Except it's legal in some places. Like here in California.
Pretty sure opening your door is legal too. Sounds like we're at a bit of an impasse.

I do wonder, in places where riding the center lane is legal, who's insurance company pays for the damage. I'd bet on it being the cyclist's insurance.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
basically depends on which insurance company can fight better. about a year ago, I was driving to work. The building had an off-street that was a one-way and the parking lot was on that street. Kind of hard to fully explain, but basically the one way street was about 100 feet long and everyone just drove down it the wrong way in order to get to the parking lot as going the correct way meant literally driving about 5 minutes around a bunch of streets.

ANYWAY, I was driving to the parking lot and traveling like 10 mph or so. This delivery guy (who was driving down the wrong way as well) parked and opened his car door directly into the side of my car as I passed him. well, in NY there is a law that basically states that when a moving vehicle and a parked vehicle hit each other, the moving vehicle is liable. well, yeah, that makes sense except for when someone opens his door INTO the side of your car... caps came, looked at what happened and basically let us handle it after exchanging info. didn't give either of us tickets even though she knew we were heading the wrong way.

well, even though the law more or less states that I should have been liable, my insurance ended up fighting with the other guy's insurance and I only had to cover 25% of my deductible and he had to cover the rest. and the only reason for that was because they concluded that since *I* was traveling the wrong way that it HAD to have something to do with the accident (regardless of whether or not he was too...)

so in the case of the motorcycle, i'd assume that probably the insurance would look at whether or not the cyclist was driving safely in the first place. If he was driving too fast to react to the driver opening the door, etc. I think in THAT case? the cyclist would have to cover the brunt of the deductible. Usually there are laws about opening up a car door into traffic without looking as well, so...


Perhaps you should look before you open the door.

And just once I'd like one of those people to get out of the car and get hit themselves and put their own bodies at risk like they are putting the cyclist's body at risk.
So you're telling me driving down the center line is the only way for a motorcyclist to operate on the roads? Get the fuck out of here.

basically depends on which insurance company can fight better. about a year ago, I was driving to work. The building had an off-street that was a one-way and the parking lot was on that street. Kind of hard to fully explain, but basically the one way street was about 100 feet long and everyone just drove down it the wrong way in order to get to the parking lot as going the correct way meant literally driving about 5 minutes around a bunch of streets.

ANYWAY, I was driving to the parking lot and traveling like 10 mph or so. This delivery guy (who was driving down the wrong way as well) parked and opened his car door directly into the side of my car as I passed him. well, in NY there is a law that basically states that when a moving vehicle and a parked vehicle hit each other, the moving vehicle is liable. well, yeah, that makes sense except for when someone opens his door INTO the side of your car... caps came, looked at what happened and basically let us handle it after exchanging info. didn't give either of us tickets even though she knew we were heading the wrong way.

well, even though the law more or less states that I should have been liable, my insurance ended up fighting with the other guy's insurance and I only had to cover 25% of my deductible and he had to cover the rest. and the only reason for that was because they concluded that since *I* was traveling the wrong way that it HAD to have something to do with the accident (regardless of whether or not he was too...)

so in the case of the motorcycle, i'd assume that probably the insurance would look at whether or not the cyclist was driving safely in the first place. If he was driving too fast to react to the driver opening the door, etc. I think in THAT case? the cyclist would have to cover the brunt of the deductible. Usually there are laws about opening up a car door into traffic without looking as well, so...
In your case, you were both doing illegal acts, so youre both to blame and then insurance companies fight over it.

Here in Cali, you can lane share legally. The guy opening his door would be to blame. If youre ever doing something against vehicle code, and you get in an accident, youre to blame.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
So you're telling me driving down the center line is the only way for a motorcyclist to operate on the roads? Get the fuck out of here.
How the fuck did you come up to that conclusion?
It's legal to split line with a bike in some places and opening your car door without looking is dumb because it puts those cyclists at risk of bodily harm. Somehow you add those two and that's what you come up with?

I've seen some pretty bizarre jumps in logic on these boards, but that one is way up there.



AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Actually, most motorcycles don't cool if they aren't moving, so sitting in traffic is infinitely worse for motorcycle than for cars. That's the reason splitting lanes was allowed in the first place.

Also, the guy in the car is a douche canoe. Who doesn't look before opening a door? I don't care what the law is, I don't care where you are, look before you open the door, or you're stupid.



<Bronze Donator>
I believe what Badabidi is getting at is why is it legal for a motorcyclist to essentially "cut in line"?

Also, how do you handle the result of the situation(not someone opening a door)? Does the motorcyclist now go through the intersection at the same time as the cars he idling next to?


Vyemm Raider
I believe what Badabidi is getting at is why is it legal for a motorcyclist to essentially "cut in line"?
For the same reason we have HOV lanes; to encourage people to stop causing gridlock by riding one-up in a car. Put 2 or 3 people in a car and you get to go to the front of the line in the HOV lane. Buy a bike and create less pollution and congestion per person, and you can go to the front of the line, too.

Also, how do you handle the result of the situation(not someone opening a door)? Does the motorcyclist now go through the intersection at the same time as the cars he idling next to?
In all my years of driving, I've never felt the need to open my car door on the freeway. I suppose if I had to, I would look first but then I ride a motorcycle and am aware of scary things. At the intersection, if I was on my bike, I would just play it by ear. If the car driver wanted to be first, then by all means have at it. I just want to get home. Alive.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
I believe what Badabidi is getting at is why is it legal for a motorcyclist to essentially "cut in line"?

Also, how do you handle the result of the situation(not someone opening a door)? Does the motorcyclist now go through the intersection at the same time as the cars he idling next to?
I addressed some of this, and lurker addressed more of it. Motorcycles work differently than cars, and need moving air to cool. Also, motorcycle fit between lanes, and what's the harm in letting them split lanes in a gridlock situation? Everyone wishes they could do it, let those who are able go ahead.

Also, this is the GIF thread, so post some, or stop talking.
