PG-13 and R ratings were a complete joke when i was a kid. i imagine nothing has changed since then. like how do you card a 10 yr old for a pg-13 movie? who is checking IDs on a 15 yr old for an R movie? nobody ever checked anything at any theater i have gone to. the thing with those nc-17 films was it used to be called an X rating. X rating was the porno rating. so if you went to see an X rated movie you were some kind of pervert. nobody wanted to be seen coming out of an X rated movie theater because word travels fast and before you know it, the whole town is going to shun you. the thing isnt some arbitrary rating, its the fact that those movies wont sell and because they wont sell. nobody will carry them. its about money. always about money. its why theaters wont show really long films unless its a huge blockbuster like LOTR or an MCU film that they know lots of people will pay to see.
when i was a kid i saw Indiana Jones: Temple of Doom opening weekend. it was PG. theater full of kids, we all clapped and cheered, a few of us stuck around to watch it again. some parents freaked out and took their kids from there when things started getting gory. i was alone, because it was PG and the parents thought it was good wholesome fun so they dropped me off. turns out everyone (parents) threw a hissy fit over it. Spielberg himself offered a segui between PG and R. thats how we got PG-13. guess what happened after that? absolutely nothing. Freddy, Jason, Michael Myers, i saw all their movies in the same theater full of the same kids. nobody gave two shits as long as the money kept rolling in. parents were soothed with the silly ratings so the crisis was averted. they tried to make the X rating cool by calling it NC-17. nobody was fooled though, so NC-17 didnt go over so well. it also meant that they would have to hire more pimply face teenagers to check IDs for films they themselves were not allowed to go see. too much hassle so it didnt pan out.
the only censorship is from parents (customers, remember, kids dont have money). parents dont buy the comics, they dont get bought and nobody wins. stick a label on it that says this product is ok for kids to consume . then thats just fine.