#1: Why you think you need an SSD astounds me. You do not need an SSD to have a good gaming machine. A $200 dollar video card is more powerful than what has been put in either system. You can get a i5k O/C series CPU with Motherboard for under $250 from Microcenter. I am not talking about building a PC from scratch, which you would still be able to do with a legal O/S for $800. I am talking about an upgrade. Oh, and the added benefit of not having a camera track you in the living room trying to decide your buying habits like you are at an advanced superistic shopping mall.
The games, even once they get passed the upscale hurdle, will still be two to three years back. Before? At $299-399? Sure go nuts. At a $500 price point with all the bullshit being spewed so far? No way. And this isn't counting accessories. You are going to want that second $59.99 controller. Have a headset? Oops need a new one. Old one won't work. A few games? You are easily over $750 out the door before tax. Now take that money, build yourself even a better PC, and wait for the Steam sales which will sell the games at 50-75% off, or even better, have Green Man Gaming and Amazon and Steam all fighting each other over your dollars while you reap in the great deals, and don't have to pay $59 a year just to get the damn thing online to play multiplayer.
Plug in an Xbox Controller, hook it up to your TV, and it's just like a console. Albeit already 3 times as powerful as an Xbone or PS4.
DMK: I suggest running the following games on console vs your PC:
The Witcher 2
Metro 2033
Metro Last Light
Far Cry 3
Crysis 1, 2, 3.
Battlefield BC2, 3, of 4 beta.
Bioshock Infinite
Tomb Raider
Just Cause 2
Hell, even Call of Duty games.
It's to the point now where my eyes damn near bleed when playing a console game. And it has been that way for the last 4 years.
Now that a console caught up to a PC from 3 years ago... We will have Metro 2033 without AA? Sounds great sign me up.
Obviously graphics don't mean everything, but throwing down $750 (with tax, controller, or a game or two) to sit on a couch... Thank God for Steam OS, or people that have their PC's just plugged into their home theater setups if they ever want a good thumping gaming experience. Because all MS and Sony try to do is catch up with Jones's when all they did was buy the Jones's first house back in 1988.