The Boys


Silver Baronet of the Realm
So, she didn't actually care about Butcher, and was just with him because she was waiting for better dick to come along? She didn't really need him for anything since she already worked at Vought.

If she was raped, is that how a rape victim acts? They go sit on a park bench, and never calls their significant other, then disappears to raise the kid?

Oh right, women have no agency and we infantilize them because they're powerless and the patriarchy would destroy them completely with out some white knight protection.


i'm not sure of your point... but yes, HUMANS tend to distance themselves from their emotions when terrible things just happened. it's called shock.

rape victims tend to not tell anyone ESPECIALLY their significant other because it's humiliating. and they can't stop thinking that they SHOULD have been able to stop it, and yet they couldn't. whether or not society tells them or not, there is a very strong sense of weakness that's now ingraining itself into the core of who they are and if they address it, it becomes real.

so yeah... they don't tell anyone.
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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
So, she didn't actually care about Butcher, and was just with him because she was waiting for better dick to come along? She didn't really need him for anything since she already worked at Vought.

If she was raped, is that how a rape victim acts? They go sit on a park bench, and never calls their significant other, then disappears to raise the kid?

Oh right, women have no agency and we infantilize them because they're powerless and the patriarchy would destroy them completely with out some white knight protection.

Assuming how a rape victim would act after the fact is probably not a good idea. How the fuck would anyone know what a specific person acts like in that situation? All we know is that she went into the room with Homelander and then came out of the room looking the way that she did. She either had sex willingly or was raped. Some people think it must be rape because she looked distressed and therefore must be white knighted because women are weak. Others think it was consensual and she looked distressed because she made an adult choice and then regretted it after the fact. Her leaving Butcher has nothing to do with the sex itself other than the resulting pregnancy. Knowing what Vought is it is almost guaranteed they told her the only way she gets to keep the kid is to go into hiding with him. Her choice was stay with Butcher but lose her child or leave Butcher and go with the child and that is the choice she was making on that bench.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Only 1 episode in and starlight is hot as balls.

yeah, the casting was really great with starlight. she's absolutely got that girl-next-door look about her... except the girl next door is kind of ugly.

Edit: just to be clear, erin moriarty is gorgeous. she comes across as very sweet and geniune and down to earth (who knows if she actually is). my point was that she's the girl next door if the girl next door was perfect
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Assuming how a rape victim would act after the fact is probably not a good idea. How the fuck would anyone know what a specific person acts like in that situation? All we know is that she went into the room with Homelander and then came out of the room looking the way that she did. She either had sex willingly or was raped. Some people think it must be rape because she looked distressed and therefore must be white knighted because women are weak. Others think it was consensual and she looked distressed because she made an adult choice and then regretted it after the fact. Her leaving Butcher has nothing to do with the sex itself other than the resulting pregnancy. Knowing what Vought is it is almost guaranteed they told her the only way she gets to keep the kid is to go into hiding with him. Her choice was stay with Butcher but lose her child or leave Butcher and go with the child and that is the choice she was making on that bench.

absolutely agree with her bench head conversation. i'm guessing (based on butcher's memories which are unreliable, to be fair) that she didn't WANT to leave him but couldn't face him and even if she could, it would mean vought would take the kid.

that being said i don't think anyone is white knighting her? some people are saying she was raped and that homelander is a piece of shit. but the people who say that she WASN'T raped and that it was consensual... well... those people are also saying homelander is a piece of shit.
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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
absolutely agree with her bench head conversation. i'm guessing (based on butcher's memories which are unreliable, to be fair) that she didn't WANT to leave him but couldn't face him and even if she could, it would mean vought would take the kid.

that being said i don't think anyone is white knighting her? some people are saying she was raped and that homelander is a piece of shit. but the people who say that she WASN'T raped and that it was consensual... well... those people are also saying homelander is a piece of shit.
Instantly assuming that she was raped just because it is shown she had sex is white knighting her. She seems in distress and in swoop a couple of limp wristed fags who instantly blame anyone but her for her acts.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Instantly assuming that she was raped just because it is shown she had sex is white knighting her. She seems in distress and in swoop a couple of limp wristed fags who instantly blame anyone but her for her acts.

everyone thought she was raped before that scene even showed up because butcher TOLD us that homelander raped her. honestly i don't think anyone ever thought that was in doubt until she showed up at the end. we all assumed she was raped and then killed herself because that's what we were told, repeatedly. then when she shows up with her kid and some white picket fences, we all got real upset and are trying to make sense of it.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The other thing to consider: she literally has no recourse but to go along with it. What is she going to do? Report it to the police?

An indestructible being with Demi god powers. It’s like the old Greek myths where some Demi god or god would force themselves on a woman and they had no way to push back against it. Trying to say shit about agency is like trying to say you can say no to an atomic explosion and it will leave you unharmed.
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Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
The only scenario where she's guilty is one where she openly wanted to fuck him. You don't say no to evil Superman.
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The only scenario where she's guilty is one where she openly wanted to fuck him. You don't say no to evil Superman.
What if it was a guy being forced to fuck evil Wonder Woman?

If he left the office looking like he was forced into it, sat on a park bench, gave a security camera a furtive glance and then abandoned his loving wife.

You'd absolve him of all guilt?

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
What if it was a guy being forced to fuck evil Wonder Woman?

If he left the office looking like he was forced into it, sat on a park bench, gave a security camera a furtive glance and then abandoned his loving wife.

You'd absolve him of all guilt?

Yes. If evil Wonder Woman threatens to rip of his dick, or alludes to making his life miserable, he's off the hook.


<Prior Amod>
I think ya'll gotta look at this rape thing from Homelanders POV

Homelander don't rape.

i'm not saying he has morals or ethics or values, i'm saying as the most powerful man who could have most any woman willing or by force... he's only shown to have feelings for ppl he's worked with, surrounded by.

he's been in a relationship w/ maeve

he has this jealous milf relationship w/ shue

and he was probably enamored w/ Butchers wife cuz he worked with her everyday


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Maeve is a hostage to him as well. Recall that scene at the race where he asks if there is anyone else in her life romantically and Homelander basically says he couldn’t abide by that with his subtext. Maeve has to play the always available girlfriend at the risk of the people she actually loves.

Homelander is 100% the “if I can’t have her, no one will” type of person.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
What if it was a guy being forced to fuck evil Wonder Woman?

If he left the office looking like he was forced into it, sat on a park bench, gave a security camera a furtive glance and then abandoned his loving wife.

You'd absolve him of all guilt?

there's definitely enough guilt to go around. the difference is that homelander is guilty of manipulating anything and anyone around him for personal gain, sexual or otherwise, while becky is guilty of blind hero worship. once she stepped into that office there wasn't ANYTHING that ANYONE could have done to stop homelander from doing whatever he wanted. what happened before and after is where becky's responsibility kicks in. we can all assume the worst from vought, so becky might not have had any real choice in that either... but there was probably a window of time in between the office meeting with homelander and when she found out she was pregnant. that's when she should have said something to her husband.


<Bronze Donator>
Is there a third option on the table where Vought made them both do it? I mean if they can make super babies without compound V is that better? Just some thoughts.


Avatar of War Slayer
Some think it was rape, some think it was consensual, in reality,
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Avatar of War Slayer
I think ya'll gotta look at this rape thing from Homelanders POV

Homelander don't rape.

i'm not saying he has morals or ethics or values, i'm saying as the most powerful man who could have most any woman willing or by force... he's only shown to have feelings for ppl he's worked with, surrounded by.

he's been in a relationship w/ maeve

he has this jealous milf relationship w/ shue

and he was probably enamored w/ Butchers wife cuz he worked with her everyday

Heres a tidbit to consider. In the comics, it was Homelander, Black Noir, and A-Train, that all combined demand she give them blow jobs. Homelander isn't above that shit at all.
Which makes you wonder, is part of the reason it was changed to The Deep, so that it would be more ambiguous with Homelander and Mrs. Butcher?

He pulled that shit on Maeve too btw.


<Prior Amod>

Heres a tidbit to consider. In the comics, it was Homelander, Black Noir, and A-Train, that all combined demand she give them blow jobs. Homelander isn't above that shit at all.
Which makes you wonder, is part of the reason it was changed to The Deep, so that it would be more ambiguous with Homelander and Mrs. Butcher?

He pulled that shit on Maeve too btw.
well yea the comics has homelander as much as a degenerate as anyone, but in the tv i believe they're trying to make him above it-ish, really he's more plutionian from irredeemable than he is homelander from the boys.
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Buzzfeed Editor
The complete lack of understanding of how many rape survivors act in this thread is laughable.

The fact that you believe you know how rape survivors act with any objective standard is laughable. Most psychologists will tell you there isn't ANY defined expression or emotional state after a rape and that any application of one is "laughable".

And that's because the field is garbage, especially when consent/sex is concerned. This is partly because a lot of the field was grown out of terrible studies that either had anemic data, or simply couldn't be reproduced because there were many factors the studies authors didn't account for. But MOST OF ALL, its garbage because there is no defined standard for what rape is. In some areas, its rape even is consent was freely given but the woman had some reservations or regret. In other studies its forced penetration after physical or verbal non-consent. The results of those studies have been used in other work and piled on in an exponential manner until the data itself is almost useless.

The fact is, most people in this thread could be correct in their assumptions of what happened, and you could still be right. Because depending on how you classify rape, nearly everything in this thread could have been rape. So the idea that you "know" how a rape victim acts is utter, and complete bullshit; you can't even quantify rape in a way that "the experts" would agree on. Even the most experts of experts specifcally say there is NO standard expression or reaction to a rape (And they say this because the industry is more about activism than objectively describing phenomena now, and so it helps to have a very fluid definition. You can hire "experts" with decades of psych experience to give testimony in both directions for the same case in court. There is absolutely no standard.)

So someone judging her emotions here, has as much chance of being right as you. In fact probably more so, because the emotional analysis of human faces carried our in the brain actually does have an enormous predictive quality (Far higher than any formal system we've managed to create so far). So please spare us your pontificating on the issue as if you know. All anyone can do is read the emotion and extrapolate based on the data observed, there is no formal knowledge psychologically that will help in this.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The fact that you believe you know how rape survivors act with any objective standard is laughable. Most psychologists will tell you there isn't ANY defined expression or emotional state after a rape and that any application of one is "laughable".

Well ya, no shit, I don't personally know in the sense it never happened to me (in which case you could only speak for yourself anyways), much in the same way no one can really know how anyone truly processes something psychologically. I did qualify my statement. We can only work with what we can externally observe in terms of observable behaviors and datasets. And for my own views, what I have personally observed from people who had that done to them. I was more responding to the multiple posts in this thread stating "ShE WaSnT cRyInG, sO iT iSnT RaPe"

You're the one fucking pontificating here.