The Broken Empire Trilogy. Best series of all time

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
I just ran through these books this weekend. Great series and great setting. Loved it and was very happy when I found the following:

Prince of Fools (The Red Queen's War #1)

by Mark Lawrence

This is the first book of a planned trilogy titled The Red Queen's War.

These books are set in the Broken Empire and cover the same two decades that we dipped into during Jorg's tale [see Broken Empire trilogy]. The trilogy is stand-alone, i.e, it's not required that you read the Broken Empire trilogy first.

The story follows the fortunes of Jalan Kendeth, an arrogant and cowardly womanizer, a bully and a cheat. Our 'hero' has lived his life in luxury and plans to continue doing so. Things start to go wrong when poor judgement entangles him in the adventures of an axe-wielding barbarian from the frozen north...

Prince of Fools shows us the world of the Broken Empire with a thicker vein of humor than Jorg's tale, but it's the same bloodstained place and from time to time we catch a glimpse of Jorg and his friends in the background.

I'm halfway through the second of the three books now and having fun with it! I hope you will too.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I didn't know about that, awesome. Loved Jorge's trilogy so I'll definitely have to look into those now.


Molten Core Raider
Just finished the 3rd book - great series, sad it ended but happy he got to end it the way he wanted.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The book they're talking about releases June 3rd.

As for the original trilogy, it's pretty awesome. I loved it more than some folks, especially immediately after finishing it. Jorg is just such a different "hero" from the usual fantasy tropes. And Lawrence told a complete story, start to finish, in three books. No fucking about leaving openings for close spin offs.

I actually hadn't followed the info on the next trilogy, and I'm a little disappointed it's set in the same world and at about the same time/location. I'd prefer if he at least changed the setting to another part of the world. Still, I'm all in with Mark Lawrence after the original trilogy so I'm definitely giving him the benefit of the doubt.


Silver Baron of the Realm
What was the verdict on the first trilogy? I figure I'll read something besides tech manuals.
Its primary draw is that the main character is basically a villain which is a novelty in a genre laden with plucky, young, self sacrificing characters fighting to right various wrongs and basically save the world. In this we get a malevolent, young, minion sacrificing despot who lusts for power and patricide which is far more realistic than a random protagonist fumbling his way to prominence like in most stories. The problem (for me) is that is pretty much all there is to say about it as far as novelty goes as the rest of it reads like many other stories that came before it, that and the author tries to do a reversal on Jorg's personality in the end that I found to be somewhat of a cop out.

But that said, it was entertaining enough to read all the way through if you want a distraction.


Trakanon Raider
Read the first series this last week. Good stuff. I felt 3rd was the weakest of the series, but with how much I loved book 1 and 2, it would have been hard to match the enjoyment.

I'll pick up the new series after giving my eyes a rest. Wish there had been more with the nuban - thought they were going to use him in the dream world, but Lawrence stepped back from it.


2 Minutes Hate
I just picked up the 3rd book in the first trilogy. Thanks to Eidal for pointing me in that direction. Shit is good.


A Man Chooses....
Gonna start these. I haven't been satisfied by a book since The Martian. So much shit getting praise in the last 18 months.

Edit: Done with book one. I approve.

Edit 2: Done with it. Enjoyed it but I also wish the second trilogy was in a different time/setting. Gonna wait for the third one of those before I start them as well.


Golden Squire
I finished The Liar's Key last night. Great book, gave it a 4/5 on Goodreads. I think it's the longest one yet, and while it dragged just a little bit towards the end overall it was awesome.

Usually I hate cliffhanger endings but this time it was perfect.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Just snagged book one a few minutes ago based upon the raves here. This series better be good!


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Ok...Book one was OK. Nothing mind blowing. Will snag book two though.

What exactly did they find in the vault?