Vyemm Raider
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Oh dude I hear ya. And every group is different. Even every player in thst group is exceedingly different. And has their own play style. That's where the real trick lies. Being able to engage 5 to 8 different play styles at once like that.Been running a new campaign using the reworked 5e Temple of Elemental Evil as a 50th anniversary of D&D thing as well as the first time I've GM'd actual by-the-book D&D in literally decades using the 2024 rules. Its interesting how, in many ways T1 holds up nearly 5 decades later, but in other ways its very much a product of gaming in harsh Wisconsin winters of the pre-internet age.
As a result I've had to make a few tweaks to the adventure in order to provide actual motivation, but also factor in players who 1) DONT automatically check every surface for secret doors / traps but 2) DO try and role play / talk to all the 'bad guys' rather than just charging in murder-hobo-style.
My group. I can count on one hand hoe many times they've checked for secret doors on one hand. And that's only when I goad them into it. Same for checking for traps. I forced their hand with thst last session. Fireball fungi in a small room. Almost killed 2 people before they stopped.
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