Shit like that is already all over stuff from some 3rd party publishers. The Uncaged series of adventures has trigger warnings for about 20 types of 'disturbing' content in each adventure outline. That series is also absolutely crammed with 3rd wave Feminism cancer. Can't say I'm surprised, every author is female or identifies as female.I'm scared to even imagine what a 6th edition might look like. If character generation includes shit like pronouns they will be dead to me.
Yep, the only reason Drizzt (and to a lesser degree, his father, Zaknafein) was interesting is the fact that he broke away from a fundamentally evil, masochistic, hedonistic society because it didn't align with his own morality. He also knew that exiling himself was very likely a death sentence and we (the fans) loved him for his bravery and moral code.-edit- to add: The fact they’re 99.9% evil is literally the only reason the Drizzt lore exists and is so popular. The way things were set up allowed for interesting stories of exceptions. Homogenization fucking sucks ass.
I don't get the point of the Drow retcon, like what is the point of playing a race if you don't like the lore behind them? If you just want the stats or racial bonuses you didn't give a shit about the lore to begin with, if you wanted to be some outlier like Drizzt then the lore is important for reasons as others have said. Is it just so we can have black elves? I can't Picard hard enough.
Leave my fucking lawful evil plane hopping pirate slavers alone, Gith life!
I don't get the point of any retcon. Add to or expand the lore if you want, but retconning is cancer, not just for DnD, but for movies and everything else too. You don't have to like history, but you should at least respect it.
Your post made me stop and think for a few minutes because I watch A LOT of D&D related YouTube, constantly on the hunt for quality PDFs, and spend an embarrassing amount of money on physical books, but I very rarely utilize websites for content like RPGBOT.What's everyone's favorite content online for DnD? I'm wondering if there is anything I'm missing. I pretty much just search what I need and click top results.
Youtube same thing. I'm curious if there are any guides or sites you think do a really good job. For example I like the RPGBOT color coding thing in their guides
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