How the hell are you supposed to get blueprints now? CPs, once cleared, now stay green forever (or until some future event flips them), the daily BP project no longer exists, and there's only one weekly. [Edit: Apparently you can run 3 alts to BoO, and THEN boost them (instead of boosting during character creation) and they will have access to the old set of L30 daily projects as long as you never travel to NY. Retarded, but at least it's something...]
Finished the story last night finally. Keener fight was trash, but at least it's over. Looked at my stash, still at like 295/300 with L30 stuff I can't be bothered to slog through dismantling/selling, thought about what I needed to do to make a build capable of doing at least challenging, and said fuck it instead. Division has had some low points before, but I've never felt so completely disinterested in trying to cobble something together to play with.
If you're not going to do the level 30 stuff just delete the stuff out of the stash. Keep on the recal stuff on new items for a bit, after a while you'll have the talents done, some god rolls done, and not much will need to upgrade, and it's fairly easy to see what is an actual upgrade to recal at a glance at the stats bars.
You can run the dc cp's for the blueprints, you can also still raise those cp's through the connected events, so you can run a lower world difficulty level, do the events for some extra loot like the targeted ones. Haven't checked if cp3's drop the blueprints still. CP4's are still tough solo though, little easier in duo. I'm thinking the ny cp's will maybe start flipping when the season content starts, like how the dc ones didn't start flipping until the invasion happened. I still have two level 30's so gonna check the daily projects on them.
On another note, been experimenting with a couple builds in a duo with a friend to hit up those cp's and some challenge level missions... hardwired shield/cluster combo for 10s cooldown reset on clusters at 2.6mil damage, feels clunky to me because of the animations involved with the skills, never bothered me before but now when you have to pop or drop shield to proc hardwired talent and then throw the next skill the process feels clunky. Not to mention the clusters now miss like half the targets exploding too early or on corners and whatever else.
Also tried that build with sticky, it does like 4.6mil damage, pretty good for clearing reds purples and even putting a dent or killing yellows, but apparently the four new skills are broken with hardwired as the sticky will suck up the proc but won't actually reset the skills, it's been reported multiple times in the forums, will have to see when they will bother to fix it.
Also tried a shield shotgun/ar build, as I was trying to get more tanky with more damage to armor and armor on kill, shield had around 4.5mil health, was decent but shotgun not really my thing, and eventually the shield won't hold up to a lot of gun fire. Being super tanky just doesn't seem to be worth it at the moment. My friend ran a true patriot build with around 1.5mil armor, it was great to get the tags out as a more supporty build, but still able to get 2 shotted at times he was getting frustrated with that. The new status effect stat doesn't seem to work with those debuffs either.
Then late last night finally getting pissed off at the clunky shield/cluster and sticky not using the proc my friend mentioned crit builds, I was waiting on 4 piece of negotiators to try the nice crit set bonus they now have, but decided to build a 3 piece with smg/ar crit build in the meantime with 60% crit cap, 100%+ weapon/smg damage bloodsucker/intimidate talents....... it was fucking melting npcs in hard..... it's as squishy as the skill build 600k armor 300k health so have to use cover and shield properly, didn't test it in missions yet as it was really late, but damn I guess have to go back to crit builds till they decide to unfuck skills again.
On a last note, 3 hunters in ny and 3 of 4 news ones in dc have been found.