I'm not forgetting anything. I figured you would do this because I can already see you're attempting to avoid the cognitive dissonance of your response, which is specifically why I asked you this....
You called the humans assholes for attacking it. Do you believe the humans were justified in their aggression, yes or no? Do you believe the dragon was in the wrong? Not whether it was SMART for the humans to attack, but rather JUSTIFIED aggression on the humans part because the dragon was WRONG for being there.
To which you answered....
So beyond the risk to the town, you said here the Dragon was not wrong, and thus the attack was not justified...Not because of the risk, but because it was simply not wrong for the dragon to be there.
Please don't say I don't remember, I do. I've done this ENTIRE argument to point out the massive double standard you hold. Have you now abandoned that double standard and agree the dragon was in the wrong?